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Mad Over Fifties Club

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nungate | 21:02 Sat 07th Dec 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
256 Answers
Good evening and welcome to tonight's meeting of the Mad Over Fifties Club.
Tonight at the Towers we are pleased to announce that the Tailcock will be the Storm Flurry and for the hot plate special we have a delicious Chicken Chasseur, with veggies from the estate and mash (of course) and on the pudding trolley, a rich and dreamy chocolate torte with whipped cream! As I this isn't enough we also have our customary volley vonts, canopies and horses doovers.
The Minstrels are busily setting up their instruments in the gallery ready to play the madrigals and fugues we have come to expect from them, in the ballroom we have the Woody Forest Swing Band - anyone for a jitterbug?
We have nice blazing fires in the most of the rooms (would anyone wishing to stay in one of our guest suites please inform Belle in order that fires may be lit in the suite) From the library to the snug the Towers is waiting to welcome members. The hot tub is bubbling away on the north tower and the bungee is ready to bounce, down in the dungeon the indoor pool is ready and waiting for anyone wishing a late night swim.
For the rofl tonight I offer:
Dry cleaners hanger - the cleaners put a pair of leather gloved on a hanger?
4 empty cardboard boxes - the Avon lady left them in the front porch

A warm welcome awaits all who dare enter these portals

carriages at midnight


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I always fancied Ben, his dancing I mean.
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That's sound advice Ferlew, I will bear that in mind. Is this your first visit here? It's lovely to have you pop in
Ferlew - that would make a right mess on the PC MoFC page.........
Thanks ferlew, just doing what I was told.
Thank you for th 'ospitality this evening - I am going to go and turn in somewhere....

Night all.....
Will try out the McBride books. Enjoy a good mystery /police procedure.
Nothing arranged for tomorrow so will curl up with my latest extravagance, a book by one of my favourite authors, Phil Rickman. Been saving it.
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Oh, good night DT, your visit, short but sweet! Lovely ode too!
Night DT, slaap lekker.
Good night, DT, sleep well.
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Queenie enjoys those books Daisy, they are a bit "Aberdonian" though, I haven't read them myself. I just got a new Lord Peter Wimsey book by Jill Paton Walsh downloaded the other day - thoroughly enjoyed it! (it also had a good review in the Lady magazine as well) sadly I finished it the same day!
That's the trouble with books you enjoy. They finish!
Daisy, if you do decide to read them...1) it helps to read them in order and some of them are quite graphic and 2) you will want to murder one of the characters LOL but you will get a bit of a giggle too :)
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it might also help if you happened to know a Polish taxi driver who can translate some of at least one of the books for you
yes that can be an advantage but google translate is also helpful :) I actually miss my wee jaunt up the road with Pedro :(
Thanks Queenie. Will check them out and begin at the very beginning! That also helps with Phil Rickman's Merrily Watkins series. Highly recommended.
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I always thought Pedro a as name isn't quite appropriate for a Polish gentleman
Not found a Polish taxi driver here. Pity I don't still live in Bradford. My upstairs neighbours were Polish.
good night DTC sleep well. be bright and early for tomorrow's greyness. seeing what some have had to put up with don't think we can complain down here.

will have to look out for those books queenie. at the moemnt i am re-reading my rebus books. it's not a polish taxi driver i need more of a scot.
Plenty of them here, Daisy.
Hello. Does anybody mind if I gatecrash the party?

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