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Bluebell | 13:07 Fri 15th Jul 2005 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers

I am so horribly stuck. I need the name of the musical and a song from the show.

MUSICAL ONE    - - e- - / - - e - - / - - e - - /

Song from this show    - a - a - - / i - / a / - a - e /

MUSICAL TWO    - a - - /

Song from this show  - - i - - / o - / - e - - - / - - - e e - /

MUSICAL THREE   - - - - / - - - e e - /

Song from this show - u - - a - - / o - / - - o  a - - a - /

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks.



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No 3 is 42nd Street and the song Lullaby of Broadway

The song for musical three could be Lullaby of Broadway?

Musical one: Spend Spend Spend and the song Canary in a Cage.
Musical two: Fame and the song is Think of Meryl Streep.
Musical 2 looks like CATS, but I can't find a song that fits
Question Author
Thank you so much burnhal and JAW 67. I would never have got those answers. ipek, I too thought it was Cats, but like you, couldn't find a song to fit.Many thanks everyone again!
Musical Two   `Mame` is a musical.

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