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RT 43

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chokkie | 06:05 Tue 18th Oct 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
Just a few left this morning ....
15a for unearthing Italy's treachery(7) ?a?s?t?
22a importance of object in religious building (8) ??i?????
17d throws back notes, yet begins to amaze (7) ?t???t?
19d speak through door at embassy (5) ???t?

Many thanks, Chox


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15a Falsity - anagram of Italys +f(or)
22a Prior(it)y
19 do OR AT E mbassy
Question Author
thanks so much folks, appreciate your help this morning. Chox.
17d stupefy? if the second t is wrong

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RT 43

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