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Calling Krypton27

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Harry-Wragg | 17:10 Mon 02nd Mar 2009 | Crosswords
9 Answers
Childless woman - nullipara - any ideas on 19 & 20 down?


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Harry you should know better. What are the clues and how many letters. Regards Roger
Do you know how many letters in answer, I take it it's two words. I can only think of Barren?
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baitress (Roger) - you're quite right - I feel as if I'm back at school again being ticked off by a teacher - and deservedly so!!

19d Jackman sounds cut (4) ?u??
20d Cut speed (4) ?l??

20d - clip. as in a fast clip.
19d - Hugh. sounds like hew.
Sorry Harry I didn't mean any offence really really really!!!
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baitress - superb - thankyou - in mitigation I was initially responding to a query from Krypton27 in an earlier thread - excuses excuses excuses - as my old teachers would have said!!
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fruitloop21 - sorry for being such a twit - thanks for your efforts

Just joshing you Harry. I know that you are one of the stalwarts on AB. More often than not you beat me to answering questions.
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baitress - you're not slow on the draw yourself - but thanks for the compliment.

Sorry I was off doing something. Yes clip and Hugh (as in Hugh Jackman) Would struggled with nulli bara.

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Calling Krypton27

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