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How Many I's In The Price Please.

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marjessica | 15:18 Sun 22nd Apr 2018 | Crosswords
17 Answers
I have 15
is that correct?


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I make it 16

Question Author
back to the drawing board! Tks. will check again.
Question Author
12a AshkenaI 1
13a RIvet 1
18a MartIn AmIss 2
22a ArgentIna 1
27a CabInet 1
28a ImmersIon 2
37a LatImer 1
39a OrpIngton 1
40a Mint Sauce 1
2d PrIvy Chamber 1
31s NerIne 1
33d MerIno 1
34 Imams 1
Question Author
can you tell me the other word please?
Question Author
got it Tiber
....and Minnesota. 16
Sorry, you have that for 12A.

No, it's 16.
Definitely 16
Any advance???? :))
Are we nearly there yet?

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How Many I's In The Price Please.

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