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chalky2850 | 01:39 Mon 02nd Apr 2018 | Crosswords
28 Answers
25d Capture Russian leader in getting to the top (5)


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Thank you
But where does capture fit in?
just answered this jackdaw. M y thoughts exactly.
I assumed it meant the acquisition of data.
Quite obscure if you ask me.
..and, being late on the parade with the inPut answer (assuming it's correct), I was reminded of the delightful "look pretty young, but..." from this song from my youth:

Capture = the acquisition of data
I have a lot of respect for you. And have so for many years.
But I really don't understand this one . C an you elaborate.
Ps. I'm ps'ed
I hold you in greater standing now I know you're a Who fan.
I agree. Most odd and I'm only semi-pzzd.
They're writing their own rule book. Running out of things to say ??
Or we don't come anywhere close to their higher knowledge !
Seen so many Faux Pars just recently. It makes me wonder !
I'm confused by these strange fractional representations. Me, I look at a litre bottle of Bacardi and work out whether it is more or less empty. The barometer of optimism if you get by beer analogy. More left = half-pizzed. More out = well pizzed. Not knowing either way = job done.

I assumed IT references - input = downloads = data "capture"
Glad I stayed on the wine ;-)
LOL @ v-e!
I'm not saying the def is convincing, but I'm infatuated with the parsing.

Some of us guys, when we were younger, may have been led similarly astray in (you get what I mean, innit?) other contexts.
VE . I respect your words. I'm Still perplexed !
Still don't like it. Although I am no IT nerd input does not equal download to my mind.
put (data) into a computer.
synonyms: feed in, put in, load, insert; key in, type in; code, capture, process, store

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