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skyplus | 16:46 Mon 05th Mar 2018 | Crosswords
8 Answers
5d So hoity-toity and what have you. I'm super I must reveal ?M?????U?
14d Might Daniel Defoe have been the first to write the original story ??V??
17d Its down to your id to begin, fanatical one, that makes one just that?G???N?A?
24d What's left of a tree after rooting its roots out ?O?S?

Thank you all in advance


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14d Novel
24d seen as Torso
24 torso
5d Imperious
17d Egomaniac
Where does the 'O' come from in imperious? I can see 'Im super I' (must be being thick I know)
Anybody? ^^^
Good point Captain2. I thought it should be "Imperious" but not a simple anagram. I wondered if "So" was part of the solution with parts of "I'm super I" . Could be wrong!!!

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