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Bran Teaser

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Patsy33 | 23:28 Wed 22nd Nov 2017 | Crosswords
51 Answers
Going from the BBC to ITV, for instance? (7,4)
I?A?I?L ?A?E
One the music publisher won't let slip through his fingers? (6,4)
C????? ????


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Sure of those letters?

Channel ????
Channel surf?
2 Catchy Tune?
Catchy Tune?
catchy tune?
Sorry for my rash guesses to the other.
Question Author
I think letters are right Mamya.

I manage to circumvent the water. (4)
Do you think it's rain?
ra(I)n is how it's parsed I think.
To self: cancel stupid post - back to TV.
No, you're right

Manage - Run round I

Sorry Patsy, can't see anything for the other.

Time for me to go

Clue should say - Managed for 'Ran'
Nothing appears to fit the letters for the TV
I want the name and number of the setter - I'll send the boys round.
Nearest I could get for the first one is Initial Move (as they are both groups of initials) but that woud mean that both the A's were incorrect. Are you certain of the letters you have?
Nearest I can come up with is Coaxial Wire.
I found

Italian Game
I was thinking coaxial wave
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Ahh! That would fit quizproquo. Thanks
Question Author
The one that threw me is;
Having something to play, each (6)
Patsy Coaxial Wave doesn't fit you letters, plus I don't know of a Coaxial Wave.

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Bran Teaser

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