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normag2008 | 14:51 Sun 16th Jul 2017 | Crosswords
23 Answers
2 down presses home, emphasises. 6,2


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Points up (?)

Any letters placed?
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Thank you lions king. Never would have got that.
drives in??
If it's right, glad I could help :-)
forces in ?
I thought that it would end with 'in' for 'home'
Prefer drives (presses) in(at home)
Have you any existing letters to see which answer best fits?
^ to 'drive in' means to emphasise
press home - make clear by special emphasis and try to convince somebody of something; "drive home a point or an argument"; "I'm trying to drive home these basic ideas"
I agree with you Ellie. Cant see how points parses at all.
Thank you danny!
Chambers agrees with my earlier reference.

Point up - Emphasise.

Hopefully normag will confirm as a 'thanks' ensued.
Lynne I am not questioning the meaning, I fail to see how it parses.
I can't parse that either, mamyalynne
Surely this isn't a cryptic puzzle? That's how I read it, then tried an answer.
It's a straight clue - the two phrases mean the same.
I just assumed that it was cryptic.
I also thought it was a cryptic clue as most of qns asked on here are of that nature

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