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Rte 33

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Desktopped | 12:33 Wed 10th Aug 2016 | Crosswords
11 Answers
19d; But down by the riverbank: there's a word for that (9) ??p???a?
9a; For that Italian by the sea, a nice ice-cream accordingly! (10) ????o?i?a?


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19 Riparian
Sorry, not enough letters
Riparian looks good.Letter count has 8 letters
Is neopolitan correct I thought 25a4d was the rat pack
If The Rat Pack is correct for 25a/4 then the letters for 9a n?a?o?i?a?
As there is not clue for 01d I have put Undercover, but don't think I will
post. RTE Guide. did not reply
Thank you, since I am now in my second childhood I should go back to school.
Hope you have a nice evening.
You too, Clare :)

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