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Inquisitor 1415

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Ripper | 14:35 Mon 07th Dec 2015 | Crosswords
7 Answers
I've got the grid filled and sorted out the central letter. Now all I need to complete is the 'cause of the modifications to be written under the grid' I've sorted out the first word (6 letters) and have the first two letters of the second, 5 letter word, but I just don't seem to be able to deduce the final three letters (even though I think I can guess them) Also wouldn't a 12 letter result be better as there are 12 clues in the across answers that aren't perimiter?
Any help yo put me on the right track would be appreciated.


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CES are the last 3 letters though you don't really need them.
For what goes under the grid "do something to your diagonal" ... the title might help too
... sorry misunderstood ... yes 12 letters from 12 across clues but that's not what you write under the grid.... you do "the 12 letters 6,6 to the diagonal...."
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Thanks roslyn251254, so I write what's in the diagonal (8,3) under the grid? Sorry to sound so thick!
What's in the diagonal needs modifying, according to the phrase given by across clues, before you write it under the grid. One eleven-letter word only.
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So it's a 'ghostly' answer then?
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Thank you roslyn251254 & jim360 - the penny has finally dropped!
well done ripper - have you done EV this week? It's a good one!

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