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Dm Smallest Hardest Tuesday

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cupid04 | 13:10 Tue 09th Dec 2014 | Crosswords
11 Answers
3d] All important [abbr] [4] ?R?T.


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Question Author
Thank you.
impt ?
Question Author
crit fits with my other answers.
And mine
Question Author
These small crosswords can be very hard ...there are so many alternative spellings sometimes.
thanks for reply :-)
as in aegis & egis cupid.
Question Author
Sorry jollyroger thanks for your attempt at an answer and thank you for all the times you've helped me out with a song on mamya's post. xx

See...the others didn't get kisses. Are you happy now? lol!!!
Question Author
yes that was one mac.
Very :-)

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Dm Smallest Hardest Tuesday

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