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Guardian Cryptic 26,157 Set By Qaos

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chardon713 | 06:07 Wed 15th Jan 2014 | Crosswords
11 Answers
Stumped .... snookered ... and just plain out of ideas

Any help gratefully acknowledged
13a Start getting excited about revolutionary mechanical devices (8) r?e?h???
5a Perhaps miracle ball reversing direction with side spin? (4,3) ?c?s ???

Pretty sure of both letter patterns ... but !


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5a Acts odd?
Question Author
Reechoed ... sort of see "che" as the revolutionary ... but grateful if you can explain word play
Red is also a revolutionary - start of excited = 'e' :) Nasty clue for me.
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Acts odd ... can see that if one was in spin, one might be acting odd ... but can't really go beyond that. Grateful of any futher help ..
Question Author
Reechoed .. a very tricky clue indeed
red = revolutionary ... e = start of exciting .. leaving "echo"
I need further help in understNding this
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Thanks to berniecuddles and wolfram9.
I am unable to go any further with completing this x-word .. primarily because I find that my brain has melted out through my ears!
13a ratchets
5a opus dei
13a anagram of start around che (Guavarra)
5a opu (ball in curry) + anagram of side
opus dei (work of god or miracle)
pu+ reverse of up (direction)
+anagram of side
Ratchets makes a better answer. Nice one iminoz.

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Guardian Cryptic 26,157 Set By Qaos

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