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Addressing international mail ?

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cherrybomb | 03:07 Thu 13th Oct 2005 | Phrases & Sayings
5 Answers

When I send an ebay item to europe I write the address exactly as the buyer has entered it. Then I know if it were to go missing I did not make a mistake when addressing the package. I am curious to know about the unfamiliar character  in the word Stra�e that is often included in German addresses. It must be included on their keyboard, Can it be translated to mean something to us ?

Information is appreciated



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I dont believe it can. In spanish for instance they have a couple of extra letters such a an 'n' with an extended tail. It can not be translated as it is an extra letter to our alphabet meening there wouldnt be enough letters to translate it to.
it means -ss- (ie a double S). I did once know the particular circumstances in which Germans use it, and when they just write -ss- but I've forgotten, sorry. But it should be no problem if you write Strasse (= street); the German post office can cope.
The � � Eszett in German or sharp S if spelled out � is a letter used only in the German alphabet. It alternates with ss under certain conditions, and it is replaced by ss when there is no � available. � is nearly unique among the letter of Latin alphabet in that it has no upper case form since it never occurs initially and Wikepedia will tell you all about it. And yes we do have a � on our keybooard.

One of the positive aspects of the German spelling reform of 1996 is the simplification of "ss" or "�":
Short vowel=ss; long vowel=� (as in Stra�e). The earlier rule was complex and riddled with anomalies.

With addresses you can avoid the problem altogether by abbreviating to "Str."!

it is two ss's  i.e. stasse

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Addressing international mail ?

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