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Billy Ho

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bricro | 10:47 Mon 01st Aug 2011 | Phrases & Sayings
8 Answers
Who was Billy Ho?


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Many thanks, Bricro
There you go. Bob's your uncle
who was bob then?

You think too much, Postdog. You know what thought did...
Bob was Robert Cecil, Marquess of Salisbury and last Prime Minister under Queen Victoria. He kept promoting his nephew Arthur Balfour, who eventually succeeded him as PM. His critics said that he only got promotion because "Bob was his uncle", and the phrase has stuck.
The Oxford English Dictionary favours reference to the devil -

billy-o, n.

or billy-oh.

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Used in the intensive phr. like billy-o (see like adv., prep., and conj. 1b) = like the devil (see devil n. 16); also in other intensive phrases.1885 Referee 9 Aug. 7/4 Shure it'll rain like billy-oh!
1914 W. J. Locke Fortunate Youth iii, ‘And they fight?’ ‘Like billy-o,’ said Paul.
1927 Punch 25 May 584/3 He would take a team anywhere.‥ He would take a team to Billy-O.
1927 Observer 11 Dec. 26 The Holy Rollers were going it like billy-oh to a tune which sounded like ‘My old man's a fireman’.
1934 Bulletin (Sydney) 25 July 21/4 With the price of copra and rubber all to billyoh, Papua has been in the doldrums lately.
1969 Sunday Mail Mag. (Brisbane) 1 June 6/3 There was Amundsen‥with his dogs going like billyo for the Pole.
Factor30...The link doesn't work. Nevertheless the following could be interesting:-

Surgeon talking about a sex change op. "It was straightforward..A snip here a snip there and Bob's your Auntie".


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