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there was an old woman of 92..

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crisgal | 11:41 Thu 26th May 2011 | Phrases & Sayings
4 Answers
parlez vous!
does anyone know the words to this daft kid's song. We sang it in the late 60s early 70s, abd i remember there being hundreds of verses.
I can only remember:
There was an old woman of 92 parlez vous
There was an old woman of 92 parlez vous
There was an old woman of 92 who did a fart and off it blew
with an inky stinky parlez vous!

in the next verse the fart went rolling down the street and knocked a copper off his feet.
very rude i know but we thought it hysterical at the time!


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here you are -

I 'd not heard that before, suspect my children wiil like it though : )
Question Author
what a great site, yin. PMSL.
thanks x
i remember that, wow
the fart went rolling down the street parlez vous x3
knocked a copper off his feet

the copper got out his rusty pistol parlez vous x 3
shot the fart from here to bristol

bristol rovers playing at home parlez vous x3
kicked the fart from here to rome

now were back in london town parlez vous x3
selling farts for half a crown

think there was a couple more verses but cant rite remember, we used to sing this on the school bus in the late 80's,,, a classic.

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there was an old woman of 92..

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