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80yr old man goes into the jewellers....

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kat1 | 18:12 Sun 26th Dec 2010 | Jokes
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on a Friday with his new 21yr old girlfriend & asks to see the most expensive necklaces they have. The assisant brings out one priced £20,000 & the girlfriends eyes light up. The old guy then asks if they have anything more expensive so the assistant brings out another priced £40,000 & again the girlfriends eyes light up. The old guy again asks for something more expensive so the assistant brings the most expensive one priced £65,000. The old guy says 'I'll take it. He writes the cheque out for £65,000 & says he will come & collect the necklace on Monday when the cheque has cleared. On Monday the old guy goes into the shop. The assistant comes straight up to him & says 'That cheque you left has bounced as there is nothing at all in your account! The old guy replies, 'Yes i know but what a weekend i've had!!


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80yr old man goes into the jewellers....

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