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Rondy | 11:18 Thu 07th Sep 2023 | Jokes
0 Answers
My wife knows nothing about football.
Asked her if she rated George Best and she said she preferred Zippy and Bungle!

I was livid when my 12 year-old son told me his teacher says l'm a bad parent.
"Right" I said. "Finish your pint and we'll go and have it out with him."

A guy at work said he was the Great Grandson of Albert Einstein.
I asked him to explain his theory of relativity.
He relied: "What's that?"

I'm in line for a job down at 'Oxford Dictionaries'.
I got my mate to put a word in for me.

My grandfather fought in the second world war, and came back with one leg.
He never did figure out who it belonged to.


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