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Paddy's Wife

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-SharonA- | 19:42 Sat 09th Sep 2017 | Jokes
1 Answers
Paddy and his two friends are talking at a bar. His first friend says:
"I think my wife is having an affair with the electrician. Last week I came home and found wire cutters under our bed and they weren't mine."

His second friend says: "I think my wife is having an affair with the plumber. This week I found a wrench under the bed and it wasn't mine."

Paddy says: "I think my wife is having an affair with a horse."

Both his friends look at him with utter disbelief.

"No I'm serious. Yesterday I came home and found a jockey under our bed."


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Lol hope he whipped the jockey into shape!

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Paddy's Wife

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