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A Quickie

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excelsior-1 | 19:04 Fri 15th May 2015 | Jokes
4 Answers

A man goes into a restaurant and is seated. All the waitresses are gorgeous. A particularly voluptuous waitress wearing a very short skirt comes to his table and asks, "What would you like, sir?"
He looks at the menu and then scans her beautiful frame top to bottom, then answers, "A quickie."

The waitress turns and walks away in disgust. After she regains her composure she returns and asks again, "What would you like, sir?" Again the man thoroughly checks her out and again answers, "A quickie, please."

This time her anger takes over, she reaches over and slaps him across the face with a resounding SMACK and storms away.

A man sitting at the next table leans over and whispers, "Um, Pal, I think it's pronounced 'quiche'."



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oh god!! i posted this two years ago (sorry folks)
Still a goodie excel
Was her name Lorraine?
If it's the same Lorraine that served me a quiche, then she is a con.

And when I find her, I'm gonna kill her,

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A Quickie

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