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Did you get value for your licence fee money

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RebelSouls | 19:13 Tue 20th Jul 2010 | News
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Have to say Rebel, when I mentioned last year that I was getting rid of my tv (and obviously not going to pay a tv licence) I got a lot of negative replies saying that I would never get the licencing authorities of my back. I made one phone call stating that I no longer have a tv and i havnt heard a thing since.
I was no longer going to pay for the sh1t that I viewed night...
22:39 Tue 20th Jul 2010

Would you be happy with the BBC battling for advertising revenue with the other major channels, and the effect that would have on programming?
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sp1814 the BBC would not need loads of advertising

It is so good everyone would want to pay to watch an encrypted signal , people will flock to buy a licence.

If it is so good what have you to worry about ?

Taken from the web,

"An example of these enforcement methods was experienced by an elderly neighbour of mine when she was confronted at her back window by an enforcer who wasn't aware that she didn't own a TV set. It's the kind of thing you expect in a police state." . . . "The BBC defend themselves, claiming that they're a genuine public service broadcaster, but it's impossible to justify using totalitarian tactics to force people to pay for junk like this."
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The BBC knocks on the door

From a notice left by BBC investigator in 2010.

"This is why we’ll call again.

We called at your home today but you were out, so we’ll call again soon. The reason for our visit is that we have no record of a valid TV Licence for this address. And we give priority to visiting unlicensed addresses where one of the following applies:

Although we’ve written to you several times, we haven’t heard back from you.

We’ve been informed that you’ve bought or hired television equipment.

You’ve not been accepted as a member of our cash payment plan.

Your licence has been cancelled and you don’t appear to have bought a new one.

We also visit the homes of people who have stated they don’t have televisions or only have a black and white TV sets to verify these statements. This is just a routine visit and should only take a few minutes.

What if you’d been in?

Please be aware that if you’d been found using a TV without an appropriate licence today, you’d have been cautioned and interviewed in line with the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (In Scotland interview and cautions are made in line with Scottish law). This interview may then have been used as evidence for your prosecution if you’d subsequently been taken to court. Prosecution might had led to a fine of up to £1,000.

Watching or recording television programme services without a valid licence is against the law.

Get a licence before you get another knock on your door."

When they say they need to verify these statements. They mean they want to search your property.
This seems to be a real bee in your bonnet RS

Most of your questions seem to about this

Have you by chance been prosecuted for not having a license or perhaps you work for Rupert Murdoch

I can't see a higher quality Broadcaster in the world - anywhere - can you?

That is only possible because of the license fee and it seems that you want to kill or maim a world leading British product because you're too cheap to pay the license fee
Well what do you expect after 13 years of labour ? BBC equalled Blairs Broadcasting corp and then Browns Broadcasting Corp. Plenty on here about Murdoch but lets remember the BBC is a left wing organization, no matter how much it claims to be neutral, and in my humble opinion is not worth the money. I hardley ever watch it unless abroad and then its only for 5 mins so could easliy do without.

The BBC is not a national tresure, not unless you are a hand wringing guarian reading pinko of course - or Mr Ross I guess.

I see the usual scaremongering on here is rife. You pinkos are having a laarf.
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JTP i never see any Broadcaster as i have no licence. as for your dig at my lack of money.
Is it now a leftie crime to be on a low income. Lots of people have to survive on the minimum wage . Do you look down on all those people ?.
Not too low to afford a PC and internet connectivity I see
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You do not need to own a computer and pay for an isp to send a message and surf the web.
No you can use your office computer at the Sun can't you?

You really are such a troll!
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I am on a friends computer while he is in hospital as i am looking after his house.
He is a well known member on this site. You must have a well paid job at the BBC or at your council to be able to spend so much time on here.

Keep having digs at the low paid if it makes you feel big.
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Access to PC's and the internet is available in Libraries. Enquire at your local library to book a session. We also provide free introductory courses in computing.
This year the licence fee may be the best investment I could have there was something on BBC3 recently that has been instrumental in something really positive happening for me... And there have been some other good things too...
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JTP , Troll would appear to be more you than me

In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.
I totaly understand peoples frustration withe the fee, but given what is on offer in the rest of TV land I think from a cultural point of view, we have to keep it.

The alternative? A constant diet of reality shows, soaps and makeovers. No other channel would have made Coast which is a true gem or any of the David Attenborough shows, which I don't watch, but I understand why they are loved.

The comedy shows that don't make it, because without them, you wouldn't get the the ones that do.

Radio so varied there is something for everyone.

RS do you work for Sky? As they have a seriously vested interest in seeing a decline in the BBC because of the BBC's attitude to paywalls.

I expect to see concerted attacks on the BBC by the Murdoch empire on the BBc over the life of this government and i expect to see all media used.
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DTD i am not in work at present that is why i am able to house sit.
I am also not able to claim benefits.That will make JTP troll happy.

No TV channel in the UK exists on a subscription-only model.

What makes you think that there IS one???

Which one are you thinking of?
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sp1814 may i refer you to my answer at 07-57

(07:57 on Wed 21/Jul/10)

sp1814 the BBC would not need loads of advertising

It is so good everyone would want to pay to watch an encrypted signal , people will flock to buy a licence.

If it is so good what have you to worry about ?
drowning out those pesky vuvus was great (moved microphones I think)....made it worth it.

No - it doesn't work like that. Look at every commercial subscription based channel. They all have to supplement their income with advertising.

Look at all national newspapers. You pay for the paper right? But they also have to sell advertising space.

What you're proposing is that the BBC be repositioned as a production company (like Baby Cow, Hat Trick or Endemol). That's
<hit 'submit'> too soon!

...That's a wholly different argument, and one that doesn't hold water.

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