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stensonlad | 08:46 Sun 11th Jan 2009 | News
170 Answers
Come on get a grip!
Who are these people complaining about what Prince Harry said in the video?
**** is just short for for a person from Pakistan the same as Brit is short for a person from Britain and nobody gets pulled up for saying that!
Rag head!!!!!!!! Come on this is a term for people Killing our soldiers, Who cares if we affend them and soldiers have always had nick names for the ones they were fighting.
And swearing how dare he!!
What Planet are these people off?
This is the mallenium, people swear all the time.
I defy any one who says they would'nt swear while in a war zone and constantly looking over their shoulder.


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No-one has yet interviewed the lad in question. The only comment came from his uncle, who said that he found it offensive.

It was bad manners. Private or not, he was using language that he must know would cause offence. Say if the Pakistani lad laughed, turned around and called Harry 'Hewitt's Boy'?

It's so much different when your the butt of the joke.

And would Harry had said that if the team were 80% Pakistani? Nah...he wouldn't have.

To be honest, I don't have an issue with Harry. He's a product of his environment - a rich party ligger with not a great deal of common sense (even when I was a wee lad, I never once thought of going to a fancy dress party as a Nazi).

My problem is with this weird attitude that P*ki is somehow an affectionate term.

Possibly in the same way that c***, tart and bird are affectionate terms for women?
if the Pakistani in question had been offended, he'd have been in no position to say so. That's the trouble with being in a minority; you may feel unable to tell a fellow soldier - and in line for the throne - that he's being foulmouthed. And that's why those in the majority shouldn't use abusive terms against them.

That said, it was three years ago; he may - perhaps - have learnt some manners since then, so I' m not personally inclined to get too hot under the collar about it, and perhaps why HatlessJack doesn't mind his sniggering remarks about 'queers'..
very well said, sp1814, it wasn't there when I started writing but I meant to make the same point, only not so well
His uncle (I thought it was his father) has found it offensive - he wouldn't have even been aware of it until this video was released!

If someone had called my offspring or nephew an offensive name three years ago at a private gathering and I just found out about it I would keep my opinions to myself. If the young pakistani in question found it offensive then he should have said so at the time - especially if he is Army Officer material!!

The father/uncle is just jumping on the bandwagon of this whole moslem/racist thing in my opinion.

Sorry, jno, I can't agree that the pakistani in question was being foulmouthed. If you foulmouth somebody there is malice. It may have been foolish of Harry, but there was no malice intended.
don't mind being called a tart or a bird - but call me a c~~~ and I'll gouge your eyes out. :-)
And I bet Harry himself has taken a fair amount stick from his comrades about his position in the Royal Family - I can't imagine that they would worry about telling him if he was out of order!!
Agreed Salla - that's just what I was thinking. I have been called some far worse things in my time, and take it all in my stride. Not a c*** though - I would clout someone if they called me that!!

Looks like Harry's been stitched-up again by one of his so called public school mates, as they did with the Nazi photo! But at least he'd got the guts to say it to his face. I worked on a contract last year where a black guy was telling racist jokes! Very disconcerting for the majority of white blokes who were listening at the time.
The whole thing makes me thoroughly glad I'm not in any way famous.

I reckon it must be dawning on HRH that if anyone has any form of recording equipment anywhere near him, he'll need to be quite guarded in what he says.

I would find that intolerable.
I'll agree with you on that one SP. Not knowing who you can trust must be a nightmare for any of the royal family, they must be very lonely people.
Me too!
We have a black bloke in our small Town and ever since I can remember, everybody calls him black Pat.

When he phones me, he always says, hi ? its black Pat etc etc.
Calling somebody black is not racist or rude, it's a fact. Some years ago when I was on a youth work course, I called a black woman coloured. Well, she really laid into me saying I'm not blue, red or pink, I'm black. After an hour or so of licking my wounds, I could see she was 100% correct...I never made that mistake again. Although she knew I was being polite.
I admit I have not read all the posts in this thread so don't know if this has already been said - but just want to add that as Harry said "Aah my P'ki friend .... the onus on the word 'friend' ..... seems very un-racist to me.
Yes, I agree, and it was said in an affectionate way too regardless of what has been written in this thread. The friend concerned just looked up and grinned when he was mentioned. It was just a very casual, 'matey' occasion and I still think this whole thing is a complete fiasco.
sp1814....or have a wingeing pak! nearby!
Although I have mainly been on the opposite side of his arguments, I have always thought of sp1814 as being fairly intelligent.

That is of course until he took me to task for daring to criticise two large gangs of Black youths, who savagely gang raped two young school girls.

And now having read his posts on this subject especially his vulgar and slanderous statements regarding members of our Royal Family.I have been forced to come to the conclusion that he does not earn much respect for his own ethnicity. One could say scratch the surface......................
The fact that we're at 158 posts on the subject suggests that the News of The World were right in thinking it was newsworthy.
he he he......Prince Charles....just reported on news - called a friend Sooty

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha LOL

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