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MrBen5 | 08:50 Tue 25th Sep 2007 | News
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Sorry, bad phrasing on my part there AOG, that should read 'whether you're English or not.' Brain and typing speed did no engage.

I my experience quite a few British people who emigrate still come back to have their health care in Britain. Some of them even do us the favour of going private. But not all of them.
Yes I suppose it has, but can you put an answer to my other questions please Gromit?

That's better, easily done China, I can now see where you are coming from.

Thank goodness I don't have to buy an international Highway Code after all.
Almost forgot China, It would also be great if our immigrants went back to their countrys for their health care.

Perhaps some of them could also do us a favour by going private eh?

Just imagine the load taken off our NHS?
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Hmmm, i have never heard of an immigrant going private for anything...
"Healthcare in Spain is excellent, better than the services offered in the UK by the NHS and certainly faster. And for UK residents of retirement age, healthcare is free. Many drugs on prescription in the UK are freely available in Spanish pharmacies, usually at a cheaper price." ain.htm
Are you tempted AOG?
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I suppose i have to agree with Gromit.
When i was in spain i remember getting a gash down my leg, and when to the hospital they sorted it out straight away and it only cost me �40.
Also as a bonus, the staff all spoke fluent English and could easily understand them, also they were very friendly...
Well Grom's just answered for me AOG regarding Spanish health care.

I can't speak for all specialties, but in mine, we do have a lot of private patients from abroad. They cause me no end of headache as I have to do quotes, take payments upfront and then walk around the hospital for a cheque of several thousand in my handbag until I get to finance which always makes me very nervous!

With regards to private patients in general there is a misconception that this is money in addition to money that is given to a hospital/department budget. Actually what happens is that this money is incorporated in to the budget of a department so that they're actually given less from the overall hospital budget. It's never additional money.

So any private patients going back to their own country for health care would in no way benefit the NHS. (Well, not my department anyway).
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Hmmm, ChinaDoll, i dont think the statement was for 'private patient immigrants' to go back to their own country for health care, it was for immigrants to go back to their own country for 'private healthcare'
Hows the ironing coming along ;)
That is �40 more than a visitor to the UK would pay. But you got off rather cheap MrBen5. When my wife was scratched by a local cat, whilst we were holidaying in Menorca, it cost me �50 for her treatment.

I cannot make a decision Gromit until you give me an answer to my questions.

Why are you dithering Gromit? A simple YES or NO to each question will suffice. Not exactly Rocket Science.
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Yeah but anotheoldgit, it was well worth the �40 to get an English speaking doctor...
AOG, looking good for some winter sunshine...

Will they pay child benefit out to send back home to the missus and kids? YES s/BenefitsTaxCreditsAndOtherSupport/BeginnersG uideToBenefits/DG_10035686 its_12.asp

What the accomodation that they offer you, is like? Same as UK

Is there free medical care? YES

Does one need to go to work? YES
2.8 million Immigrants can't be wrong!
Probably best to avoid France though (Expect you were anyway) 5.stm

Unless you are a pensioner.
Thanks for your research Gromit, to use those favourite words, "No understand".

Seems like you have to go to work.

And have been paying into the system before you can get onto benefits.

Then you most likey have to claim for UK benefits via the UK,

And although the accomodation is the same, it doesn't look as if you can be put at the top of the list, to obtain a free house.

This is no good Gromit I'm after a free ride, like all those other. Bu**ers.
Well if AOG is getting one and you're in a researching type of mood, I think I'd quite like a free ride to Gromit.

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If immigrants are working here, paying tax and NI, why should they go back home for NHS treatment?

Or are you talking about illegal immigrants?

But if you're talking about economic migrants from the EU, then it's a duff question, because under EU laws, they're entitled to treatment on the NHS aren't they???

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