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Is anyone sad.

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maggie01 | 23:23 Sat 21st Jan 2006 | News
62 Answers

Is anyone sad that the whale in the thames has lost it's life.?

'This is in response to sheffwed39 I think it's extremely sad that it didn't make it back to the deeper waters regardless of where it was found. If it wasn't news then it shouldn't be on the news chanel.



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No .I do not agree and am not a townie nor do I eat battery hens.50,000 is a drop in the ocean compared to the money wasted on hare brained schemes like that white elephant sat there in Greenwich..But.."Only an animal". Animals bring a lot of pleasure to a lot of people.And it would have taken more than one injection to put a huge creature like that down..they had difficulty enough in catching it in the first place.I suppose you would think it had been better if had beached and laid there gasping for breath while the media circus looked on.I despise people who are cruel to animals.You would hardly keep a whale as a pet so that argument doesn't work.."Oh look there's a whale in the Thames ..let's go and put it down".At least they tried to get the poor thing back out to sea.Money well spent I say when so many species are endangered.
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A topic of interest - ok fine, whats the question? Or did we just get on here to flagellate ourselves because an animal died and the general public were shocked to discover this happens?

If it died it deserved to die, it was likely almost dead already without our extravagant largesse in trying to rescue it. Lots of animals are beautiful, however I am not shallow enough like most to make the distinction of whether it lives or dies based on how it looks. Do you feel sad when rats get shot? When a species of mosquito is made extinct?

You are correct in asserting that lots of wild animals are becoming extinct. They have been doing so for a very long time. The process has accelerated of late but the cycle continues as before. Greedy mankind - I see. Do you watch tv? Do you eat processed foods? Do you drive when you could walk? If you pretty much exist in todays society you are contributing, directly and personally, to the process which you claim to lament so badly.

As for whether I have a heart, of course I do, but unlike most of joe public publicity does not dictate its affections, not like those who drift like flotsam on the tides of media frenzy, bouncing from tragedy to tragedy and naysaying those who don't also capitulate to the pressure to cry louder than your neighbour.

El are wasting your breath.most of these so called animal lovers eat meat,wear leather,wear products tested on animals and receive medical treatment tested on animals,all of which i have no probs with.but when it comes to cute little or big animals on rolf harris animal hospital they all of a sudden become animal lovers.any debate with most of them become very personnal and then those that do not agree with them become animal haters,cruel people and probably wife beaters too.i shoot a lot of birds and animals,most of which are eaten and i would be considered food lives in its own habitat eats what it wants and then has a quick death most of the does not grow up in a cage not seeing daylight,does not have to live in its own **** and then get tranported to killing houses packed in lorries,all of which i also have no probs with as after all they are only animals(not meant in a way that they havent a right to live and die decently)
It's unfortunate that the poor whale died in distress however I must concur with other other posters who say that there are far more pressing issues in the news , which upset me a lot more. Babies and toddlers being robbed of their innocence at the hands of deviants who subject them to sickening acts of depravity , utterly appals me , predatory paedophiles gaining employment in schools and youth projects and going undetected , promises of 'lessons being learned' yet contrary to these statements , evidence is still to be found to that effect. At a risk of deviating from the original question , I save my tears for the real victims - helpless children who are completely dependant on a responsible adult providing a safe haven for them. Whilst it is unfortunate that the poor whale died outwith it's normal environment , let us not detract from the importance of the sanctity of mankind. I am bemused by the frenzy which has been whipped up over a whale whilst many forget what mankind DO to each other on a daily basis. Our newspapers are filled daily with reports of rape , murder , mutilation , adultery and some individuals seek to up the ante all the time , plummeting to new depths which shock society to the core yet so much attention has been devoted to a whale ? I do not wish to appear heartless but let's put things in perspective here. I mean when it's got sako 243 telling Shaneystar 2 to 'do us a favour and do as the whale did' , then a reality check is most certainly in order.

'if you cannot debate the issue without letting people have an opinion and supposing things about them ....' (sako243) - Hmmm. I'm picturing a big black pot and a kettle. Was there not talk of townies , zoos and battery hens ?
in reply to you mention a reality check.the reason i wrote what i did???for someone to suggest that i would prefer to have seen an animal lying gasping for air and suffering when they do not know me is an insult.if that is there way of debating an opinion then i will lower myself to their level as it is the only to communicate with them.point taken over battery chickens and townies in respect to everyone having an opinion,the point i was trying to make was that people dont see the big picture but are dragged in to what the press and media coverage allow them to see
enima no mention of zoos,it was doos as in shouldnt laugh,shaneys in mourning.sorry couldnt resist it.
We all have our opinions and in the free and democratic society we are supposed to live in I am quite entitled to voice mine with out being told that I have a lower IQ than the unfortunate mammal in question.What a nasty person you are to suggest I do myself a favour and be put down like a sick animal.Perhaps you'll point the gun .You seem to be fond of shooting.
Of course there are more deserving causes as enigma rightly says.This event captured the interest of the public and it was sad to see such a magnificent creature in distress and to see its subsequent demise.Why shouldn't it have been given a chance.
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Simple typo error sako243. Meant Doos. Incidentally , like what you did with my name - Enima. Little play on Enema perhaps ? Cheeky , lol ! You would be right in your assumption though ..... I am a pain in the backside ! I can't bite my tongue when people rip into each other on AB because I can't abide backbiting - which usually means that I occasionally take a bit of flak for doing so but it's just as well that I have learned to be thick skinned. Everyone has the fundamental right to an opinion. We don't all have to agree with each other but that's what is so wonderful about the ability to debate in a civillised manner. When it degenerates into a slanging match , you lose your credibility and your whole argument. I do not believe in an elitist society and treat everyone equally. To reiterate my earlier point , EVERYONE has the right to an opinion and it shouldn't be a case of 'bringing yourself down to their level'. You strike me as being intelligent enough to articulate your thoughts and feelings without the need to resort to telling anyone to meet their demise in such an unfortunate way. There are enough nasty people in the world without us all falling out in AB land. This is my retreat from it all lol ! Let's keep it nice. Incidentally , I share your opinion about the media whipping people up into a frenzy and people buying into it. That's why stars of reality tv shows more often than not end up in fear of their lives and the general public boo them like pantomine baddies. I often wonder , when they are being assaulted , ridiculed or spat on , if they believe it was all worth it. Oh and maybe one day , poor Princess Diana will be allowed to finally rest in peace without the wailing banshees lamenting over her sudden demise every year whilst dredging up the tiresome tales of conspiracy theories ..... but that's another story.
honest enema,mine was typing error get all your points but i do enjoy taking myself down to their level as it hits home a few truths and i do think it makes them think before jumping head first next time.i would rather debate about the facts and not get personal as it does get out of hand but an eye for an eye.i agree with you about media.something happens,big frenzy everyone on bandwagon and severe lack rationalization.hope thats spelt right(not that intelligent)lol.anyway thanks for posts.
odd how someone saying that they're sorry an animal has died should attract such vituperative posts from people who oppose them, when, by their standards, it just shouldn't matter. But somehow they're convinced that their anger is a nobler feeling than others' compassion. It's the same when anyone begins a thread about religion: the atheists are generally louder and angrier and more condescending than the believers. I don't know why this is, but I've noticed it a lot.
jno,is that why the mormons and all the other religious groups come to my door handing out leaflets and wanting a not religous and i dont go round peoples houses telling them not to believe in christ so where do get this presumption that atheists shout louder????? i think you are way off the subject in discussion
No probs Sarko lol. I don't imagine that Shaneystar was literally meaning that you personally would have welcomed the whale having beached and being gawped at - instead, offering another scenario (Apologies for paraphrasing here Shaneystar , or am I way off base ?) When an event such as this unfolds , there will unequivocally be members of society who feel the need to pour to the scene of the event and revel in every detail - the same way that the same type of ghouls flock to murder scenes to bask in the gruesome ambience. Such is life and I am sure that Shaneystar was merely commenting on what the alternative reaction is rather than having a pop at you. Take a deep breath and don't be so touchy. Remember , you catch more flies with honey ....... Life is good - enjoy x
heeh! heeh! To add to enigma's post, its so funny how some people take comments so personally.
hey enigma,you are not a marraige guidance councilar by any chance.if not,you should
I agree wholeheartedly with shaneystar and jno.

I have absolutely no desire to see an animal in pain, and am sorry that it died in the Thames, but we know that animals die every day, and to say that a whale is somehow more special than a rat, or a sheep, or a goldfish is ludicrous in my opinion. So why are people upset? Because it was a story that was let into their lives, that's why.

Badgers die every day, but when one died in my garden in pain, and I tried to keep it as comfortable as possible while the vet came, I was sad to see it go. If anything dies in font of you, then it's going to be upsetting, so seeing the story on TV is bound to affect people. Lets not forget that "Whale Death" was not a headline that came out of no-where, because we'd beeen following a genuinely interesting news story about a whale swimming up the Thames for a day or two!

The money spent on rescue is another thing altogether, but not within the scope of the question.

sako you'll notice my sentence said 'when anyone starts a thread' - I was talking about AB, not about Mormons and your door. But: do the Mormons at your door shout? At mine, they are invariably polite and courteous.
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I would just like to say that. Yes I am sad about the whale. When I read in the paper about starvation and children being abused, I am also very sad about these situations. I take one day at a time and yesterday was the day my sypathy went to the Whale. I can't believe that people just went off the subject going on about wearing leather, zoos even Princess Diana. They are all seperate issues. It was a whale (not a stupid whale) who lost it's way. Putting money aside I am pleased there were some people who had a heart big enough to try to help it. Thank you for all your replies but I feel worse now reading peoples attitudes than I did before. That's life I guess!

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