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Katie Hopkins Back On Twitter?

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andy-hughes | 22:24 Sun 20th Nov 2022 | News
96 Answers
It's advised that Elon Musk may remind Katie Hopkins' lifetime ban from Twitter.

Any thoughts?


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Who? He surely doesn;t have time and there are more important ijiuts to consider such as the last corrupt and possibly criminal POTUs
Is Twitter doomed?
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DTC - It's mentioned that ex-president Trump may also have his red card recinded.
Some reports say Trump's ban has been rescinded but he's not going to use Twitter again
may his rocket programme implode then.....
Why not?
I really don’t care who’s on Twitter. I read the posts of people I follow, and everything else passes me by.

I think Musk may have dropped a booby by spaffing $44 billion dollars on this. People seem to be migrating to Mastodon. I’ve had a look there, but it seems a bit like Reddit.
The thought of completely unregulated social media is depressing, unless you're one of those that wants to use it for malicious purposes.

People complain about the moderation on AB for example, but without it, the place would soon degenerate into a complete cesspit of abuse, spam and general stupidity.
Tomus, we’re all too grownup and clever for that, surely;)
No one is saying AnswerBank shouldn’t have moderation.
If 22.02 was re Trump, this from the Guardian

Trump did not appear keen to return to Twitter when discussing the issue on Saturday. “I don’t see any reason for it,” the former president said via video when asked about it by a panel at the Republican Jewish Coalition’s annual leadership meeting.

He said he would stick with his new platform Truth Social, developed by his Trump Media and Technology Group startup.
I'm sure Trump will reappear on Twitter at some point.

It's got millions of followers as opposed to the thousands on his own one. Probably just working out how to do it without appearing to concede defeat.
// It's advised that Elon Musk may remind Katie Hopkins' lifetime ban from Twitter. //

No idea what you are trying to say.

Musk has sacked a load of technicians who know how Twitter works. My prediction is…

1. A big outage or data breach soon. People stop using it.
2. A *** storm by some previously banned user leading to an advertiser boycott.
3. The platform going bankrupt within 2 years.
Gromit, I think "remind" = "rescind"
//Musk has sacked a load of technicians who know how Twitter works. My prediction is…//

And plenty left who still do, its not exactly a complicated product is it, bet I could understand it within a week as I have done many times in many companies.

As for Ms Hopkins what is the problem? Personally I wouldn't follow her but why should be banned because some don't like what she says. If she is unpopular she wont have followers, so unless she (or anyone else) begins writing things that are illegal then they should be allowed.

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Thanks jno, it should be 'recind' - predictive text is not always your friend.
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Ymb - the problem with Ms Hopkins is that she constantly mined the lucrative seam of hate-posting, against the rules established by Twitter to prevent such behaviour.

In the same way that a dog fight will attract a crowd, doing something simply because it has an audience does not make it morally, or legally, right.
The problem social media has is walking that fine line between staying in business and free speech. Now Musk is famously pro free speech but I wonder how committed he'll be if his big advertisers start pulling out and the stock price starts falling when investors bail when it turns into more of a cess pit than it already is.
//Ymb - the problem with Ms Hopkins is that she constantly mined the lucrative seam of hate-posting, against the rules established by Twitter to prevent such behaviour.//

Well the 'rules' of Twitter have changed, it no longer has the lefts interpretation of 'hate speech'

Like I say, if you dont like it then dont follow and it will die a death, but why should anyone be denied the platform just because some dont like them?
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YMB - I don't think 'not liking' what someone posts is actually the issue.

There are laws governing free speech, Ms Hopkins has broken them, to her cost, financial if not reputational, and in my view giving her a platform to espouse her professional baiting really does not benefit anyone in a way that justifies her professionally being brought to the fore again.

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