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General Election. "You Gov Poll"

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gulliver1 | 10:05 Sun 21st Aug 2022 | News
105 Answers
If there was a General Election now.
43% would vote Labour.
28% Tory.
11% Lib .
7% Green Party
5% Snp .
6% Dont know


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ToraToraTora //Love gulliver's forlorn hopes, I wonder how long he'll sulk after the Tories win next time, PMSL!// Not as long as you and Naomi have over Johnson getting turfed out by his own parliamentary party.
11:00 Sun 21st Aug 2022
//Expect Youngmafbog to post any minute…..//

/That looks like a comment deliberately made to deter someone from posting - scumbag!/

….or someone who knows the habits of 2 posters who remarkably live with a few miles of each other, both in the Tory Party, know the same people, often post in tandem, use the same language and often give each other BA?
Get over yourself Davebro and smell what you’re shovelling! Lol.

//Oooph! You’ve made another enemy, Fatti.//

Lol, indeed! How ever will I cope?
//• Treat others as you would like to be treated and respect other people’s opinions. Discussions can get passionate but users should moderate their language and refrain from personal attacks and profanity. We encourage lively debate but name calling, harassment or abuse will not be tolerated.//

/Only seems to apply to some it seems./

I agree. Not nice of Davebro to call me a scum bag.
Better remind your mate who lives nearby too about the Site Rules, he’s been banned often enough for breaching them when ‘responding’. PMSL
//I’d say there is something truly exceptional about this current era! Lol.//

I wouldn't. The content of the lies are not really important. If you simply work on the basis that you cannot, with any degree of certainty, believe a word that any of them says, it matters not really what they say. You simply ignore their musings.
"only seems to apply to some it seems".I agree with you there,fatticus.Some posters on this site never get their posts deleted however offensive.I reported a posting last week.Nothing happened.All of us on AB are equal,however some posters seem to be more equal than others.
Awwwww bless.
New Judge
//You simply ignore their musings.//

You can, but you can’t ignore their actions, there to be scrutinised by all, that’s what they’ll be judged on.
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14.00 Totally agree with you Ynnafymmi .If you have a Brown nose .Blue eyes and a scruffy Worzel Gummidge image, you will fit into Answer Bank. You will be chosen as a Mod / Elderly ex, wannabe never made ,it School prefect.

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FCI @13.01 .Agree with you , not nice to be called a scum bag .....Davebro is so childish, he should be at Playschool, instead of posting on a/b.
through the round window today gully - ROFL
At least I'm not obsessively posting about the minutiae of political affairs in a country where I don't even live!

Get a life matey - go have some tapas & sangria.
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Liz Truss is talking up her chances of becoming the next P/M ... But every time she opens her mouth ...Labour get more even more popular..
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The reason Truss is not liked ,is because the public are reminded of Thatcher.
-- answer removed --
oh dear - have I upset gully? the truth sometimes hurts!
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Even a Lib/Lab Govt for the Uk would be better than a Twisting Tory Govt.
Lib/Lab aint enough darling - you would have to get into bed with the SNP 5Cs.
G. //The reason Truss is not liked ,is because the public are reminded of Thatcher.//

I think that would be a huge advantage not a deficit.
Yeah I remember the last Lib/Lab pact 1977, they were flushing the country down the toilet with their union buddies. Thankfully TGL turned it round shortly after. TBH I don't think the 11 Lib Non Dem seats are enough anyway. No Gully Tories still win 2024. suck it up me old china!
"TBH I don't think the 11 Lib Non Dem seats are enough anyway."

You have no idea how many seats the Lib Dems will get in the next General Election so the current number is meaningless.

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