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Yep , Here’s The War-Horse Coming Out Of His Trap

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Bobbisox1 | 14:12 Sun 22nd Aug 2021 | News
91 Answers

He loves a good old conflict does slimy Tone !!!

He should of thought of UK security when he gave thd order to go into Iraq looking for non existent WMO !!


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teacake - // But not ever seen regarding Blair. // I for one have been a vociferous critic of the war-monger for decades, and lose no opportunity to say so whenever his name is mentioned on here, and I am far from the only one. I would respect him a lot more if he had the dignity to be ashamed of his actions, and keep quiet, but he still pops up with his perma-tanned...
22:31 Sun 22nd Aug 2021
One of them is George Bush Junior, who for once has had the grace to keep his pointless nonsense to himself.


Maybe you should read a bit more news on the situation.

roy - // Maybe you should read a bit more news on the situation. //

If I am in error, then I am always happy to be corrected.
The only imbecile is the man who got us into this nightmare in the first place.
You’d have thought with 20 years to reflect on the death and misery and futility of the whole adventure, that he might have figured it out bt now.
But he hasn’t. Arrogant, delusional, and up his own harris.
Anyone with an ounce of empathy for fallen soldiers, slain civilians and decency, you might think would keep his head down low, and hide.
But this egotistic narcissist can’t help himself. Utterly despicable excuse for a human being.
well said gromit.
Blair is a war monger i hate him slimy is a very good word for him he is a slime ball full of grease and evil
Its very odd, if not very funny at times, when anyone on here pulls Boris apart for the mistakes he has made, along with the many lies, the normal response is.... Hindsight is a wonderful thing. But not ever seen regarding Blair.
teacake - // But not ever seen regarding Blair. //

I for one have been a vociferous critic of the war-monger for decades, and lose no opportunity to say so whenever his name is mentioned on here, and I am far from the only one.

I would respect him a lot more if he had the dignity to be ashamed of his actions, and keep quiet, but he still pops up with his perma-tanned groovy elder-statesman shtick and lectures everyone about how right he is.

The man is an embarrassment to politics, and to being British.
Some folk condemn themselves with every utterance.
douglas - // Some folk condemn themselves with every utterance. //

I assume you are referring to Mr Blair?
Heads up, tc. You keep talking about the wrong war. You're alright, I don't think anyone has noticed yet.
The first Gulf War was on Bush Snr.'s watch and was a success. At the time there was some criticism that he did not follow up in Iraq. Perhaps he was wiser than his son.
//Read David Aaronovitch’s book on conspiracy theories where he comprehensively debunks the Kelly murder idea//

You forgot to say 'end of'.
You get the feeling that if Tony Blair condemned child molesters you’d get a few people here criticising him or maybe even worse :-)
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Ich ,b y all means give us some appraisal of how good he is and was then , I’ll listen
‘ For the year ending 31 December 2020, the Annual Population Survey reported that 29.1% of people aged three and over were able to speak Welsh’
Sorry wrong thread.
AH @ 22.31 ( The man is an embarrassment to politics, and to being British) I agree with you, I'm no fan of Blair, neither am I a fan of any politician on either side. But you really need to compare sometimes, and I for one don't see any more or any less embarrassment than the present PM, and many of the past ones. On a funny note I just love folk who use the BA in a hope of getting the last word. :0))))) so childish at times that BA box.
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Tc there you go again, cowardly taking swipes ,just say who you mean!!!!
It’s not a question of praising him: but d’une of the criticism is plain fact.
“Pathetic excuse for a human being”


Talk and comment is cheap
Some of the criticism

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