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France Won't Allow Britain To Turn Migrant Boats Around.

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gulliver1 | 08:19 Tue 27th Jul 2021 | News
123 Answers
After UK Officials had offered to escort migrant boats back into
French Waters...... Wheres the Royal Navt then.... I thought Britain ruled the waves.?


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"You cannot reason with an idiot."
Yet many on here seem to spend an inordinate amount of time and energy attempting to do just that:-/
Yes indeed. Gully has successfully derailed this thread by diverting attention to himself when we should be focusing on solutions to the problem raised.
Seems a bit pointless to derail his own thread.
He derails his own thread. One of the first replies he gets, 09.08,..... "eith rubbish" he picks up for the spelling when he can't even get his own right in original thread.
gulliver, you asked what eith rubbish is. It's the rubbish floating mid channel and at the moment it is being hunted down by the Royal Navt.
Because his hatred of all things British particularly Boris, clouds any sensible debate with him
BA to Vulcan
is there some sort of link available? Before i get frothy at the mouth i'd like to read it somewhere else aprt from 1 person
// I thought Britain ruled the waves.?//

Well maybe some rivers and a burn or two… braw
Question Author
A report was published just months after the Brexit result was announced. "People voted to leave the E/U because they feared immigration" This was a major survey of social attitudes in UK, who found that 3/4 of voters voted leave because of Immigration. And now the UK still can not stop Immigrants arriving almost five years later, even after paying millions of £s to France. Think Boris should ask for a Rebate.

Gulliver// Think Boris should ask for a Rebate.//
Suggest that you send him an e-mail and don't forget to include your solution to the problem of illegal immigrants.
Saintstim- //I learned long ago never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty and besides the pig enjoys it//

That's completely unfair and you should apologise immediately.

I like pigs.
I prefer Mark Twain:

“Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”
Did you find that report in the Guardian gulliver or was it in the Dandy or Beano. Most people I know voted to leave to gain control back not to stop immigration.
//I like pigs.//

So did David Cameron…
Porked pig………sssmmmokey
A neutral observer might note the amount of personal attacks outnumbering those addressing the question.

Perhaps mob mentality or just a race to the bottom?

A blockade is the answer, sort out the details later.
//A neutral observer might note the amount of personal attacks outnumbering those addressing the question.//

I can't say I find that surprising in this particular case.
Three quarters of the people who took part in the survey, not all voters.
Simple, block the French fishing vessels and dont let them in until France co-operates.

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