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Andrew Demands ...

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smurfchops | 10:50 Wed 14th Apr 2021 | News
191 Answers
Andrew demands to dress as full Admiral at funeral. Daily Mail today. Thoughts?


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as said apart from Charles, they have all seen active service. that affords them the right to wear their medals surely..
12.47 Anneasquith , spot on answer.
or william didn't,.. as been pointed out. apologies
Active service means being in the armed forces full time for a specified number of years.
I think some are getting confused with combat service.
I personally think Andrew is using his Father's funeral as a way to wheedle his way back into the public eye. Odious creep !
Isn't this a case of the Daily Wail stirring up their shyyte pot to see what pops out?

Is there any other proof that Andrew is demanding this?

I'm not a massive Andrew fan and this opinion came from before the Epstein affair but he has been in active service, so credit there, and he doesn't merit these accusations and the consequential AB criticism, if they can't be substantiated.
Still an odious creep imo !
'requests' (Independent)----'wants'(Mail)---'demands'(Sun).
Take your pick .
Andrew deferred the promotion himself saying that he would rather wait until his name was cleared.
They should all wear suits and black ties.
He can take a walk . . . .
Its up to his mum & what she wants. I think Anne should be seated beside Her Majesty to comfort her. But its not up to me.
There are rules about uniform. Andrew needs to consider whether promoting himself publicly is sensible. It didn't go down well that he stood forth and spoke about the Queen. I don't think he understands the depth of the mire he is in. A dark suit with medals would be more appropriate i.m.o..
For the rest. OH did his bit in the '50's for a couple of years defending the West against the E. Germans, who had Kalashnikovs aimed at them, by marching up and down before the Iron Curtain. He had to buy his own Vets. badge. He's very proud of it.
I think

1 the gutter press are awfully good at stirring up nonsense

2 I couldn't care less what he wears. He could turn up in a gimp mask and a tutu if his mother is happy with that.

3 he is entitled to wear the ceremonial uniform of a Vice Admiral until this honorary role is removed from him. He is entitled to wear the medals he was awarded as a result of active service.

4 I thought he spoke well of his father.

5 Scum bag or not, he has still just lost his dad.
In April 1982 I returned from a long solo motorcycle odyssey around France & Spain, having been completely out of touch with all news of any kind (& frankly, not interested). After an overnight crossing from Santander to Plymouth, I headed north, stopped for breakfast near Exeter & was astonished to see the headlines on a news stand : 'Prince Andrew leads an armada to the Falkland Islands'.
If I recall he was a helicopter pilot, he didn't 'lead' anything anywhere!!
According to the Daily Mail NO ONE is wearing military uniform. HM has decided that all will wear civil mourning dress.
Fair enough, that's that. She is the boss, after all.
The sooner this atavistic throwback to an imperialist, feudalistic irrelevance is abolished, the better.
It was probably this incident that caused the headline you saw Khandro.

//Serving with 820 Naval Air Squadron in the Falklands conflict in 1982, he was a pilot for one of the ten Sea King helicopters on the aircraft carrier HMS Invincible.

It was a role that put him in the front line during the early stages of the conflict when the Argentine air force, flying Super Etendard combat jets armed with low-flying anti-ship Exocet missiles, began a campaign to target Royal Navy warships — and, in particular, the carriers HMS Invincible and HMS Hermes which carried Sea Harrier jump-jets and Sea Kings.//

I do know that during the Falklands War he was very kind to my cousin when her fiance who served with him was killed.
considering the controversy he was in, i think he is asking for a 'tall order'.

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