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Fifty Million Pints Of Beer May Be Poured Down

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fender62 | 14:03 Mon 13th Apr 2020 | News
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Fishing for a line of attack Diddles? Desperate for confrontation.

Here's a dedication for you.

Mozz - I started a new thread to TTT on this subject a while ago which he has chosen not to answer so thought I'd re-ask on an active thread. If he doesn't reply I'll assume he did do such a journey and broke the lockdown rules. End of.
When in the merchant navy we had to dispose of about sixteen barrels of Watney’s Red Barrel beer. We hit the valve on the top with a screwdriver and fired it like giant water pistols into the ocean. I shot one barrel load right up the pursers crisp white shorts.
So, with no information, you'll make up your own answer to fit your own rhetoric? How very Tory of you.

I didn't see the thread you made, so it's more than likely 3T didn't either.
diddly, 19:25, No.
if you weren't so dim you'd have not asked the question like that.
Play nicely please.
Imperial stouts and IPAs keep in bottles. But I have notice my ghost ship expires soon and my proper job, will order some good stuff if Greenjack are trading if not its more Adnams....
In the Seventies I used to haunt a Real Ale pub in Swindon (Wadworth's beer) where the landlord was a connoisseur on keeping real ale. One day he took from me a pint I had just started on and poured it away then drew a pint from another pump, saying "that other barrel's gone off".

I thought to myself "I didn't notice, I would have happily thrown it away down my throat and still accepted the second", but he was much bigger than me so I kept quiet.
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Diddly - MYOB
you should start another thread rather than hijacking this unrelated one.
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Lol - risible.
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diddlydo, does the fact that the other thread went tell you nothing? Walk away now.
I didn't see another thread. I tend to mainly inhabit news.
Did you live one time, Frau Commissar, in East Germany where the Stasi employed low life snitches with little sense or morality to inform on others. "I was only following orders". People like that make my skin crawl.
You didn't miss much, more farce and squabbling.
Let's get back to beer tales.

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