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Trump Being An Idiot, Part 3,789...

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Mozz71 | 18:01 Fri 21st Feb 2020 | News
103 Answers
So, the POTUS has got his bra strap in a twist now because a foreign language movie (which he hasn't seen) won the best movie Oscar. Plum.


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It's no secret, indeed, it's something that President Trump always shouts out as a positive character asset, that he enjoys being a stupid narrow minded bigot in matters of art and culture. Complaining that there are enough 'problems with South Korea over trade ...' rather speaks to his inability to understand that countries are not just limited to...
18:12 Fri 21st Feb 2020
jim //I could come up with hundreds of examples, [why he's a disgrace] //
One would be enough
He ( trump) is in India today. What could possible go wrong ?
Then go hunting, dear Khandro. I'm sure that any example I pick which would objectively meet the criteria would still be rejected because I'm the one picking it.
Khandro - // jim //I could come up with hundreds of examples, [why he's a disgrace] //
One would be enough //

Here you are then -

"o, the POTUS has got his bra strap in a twist now because a foreign language movie (which he hasn't seen) won the best movie Oscar. " - TBF it's complete and utter Tish!
Hey Khandro - even better - if you watch through to the end, you can hear Mrs Trump defending him, saying either he didn;t know the microphone was on, or that he was 'egged on'.

That's OK then, your husband can talk like a teenage yob a disrespect women because he doesn't know you, or anyone else will hear about it, and he lacks self control because he can be encouraged to do this by someone else.

This is your husband Mrs Trump - planning to be the President - it's bad enough that he embrasses you, without you adding to your embarrassment by defending his horrible personality on television.
One of the examples I had in mind relates to what should have been a fairly innocuous incident.

Hurricane Dorian last year threatened serious damage to parts of the Eastern United States, and *has* wrecked the Bahamas to the tune of several billion dollars' worth of damage. So, naturally, as it was progressing through the Atlantic, the eyes of many were on its trail.

So when Trump accidentally suggested that Alabama was threatened, the correct thing for him to do was to apologise for the error, and no harm would have been done. An easy mistake to make, and of course nobody expects Trump to be an expert hurricane forecaster.

What Trump *actually* did was double down on his error, insisting that he was entirely correct, forcing a weather agency to apologise for reporting the actual truth -- ie that Alabama was never in any serious danger at any point in the forecast, doctored an official map in contravention of federal law, and essentially dragged politics into weather-forecasting for no good reason other than his massive ego and his refusal to admit to even the tiniest chance that he had made a mistake. It was disgusting and shameful, and what is even more shameful is that he appears to have forced, directly or indirectly, official weather agencies in the US to go along with it.

And, as I say, the thing is that all Trump needed to do was to admit that he'd "misspoke", or made a mistake, by suggesting Alabama was "most likely" in danger, and no-one would have cared. But as soon as he destroyed the integrity of forecasting, that's the point that shows his unfitness for high office. It's one of the more egregious examples, and should really be utterly uncontroversial.
jim//I'm sure that any example I pick which would objectively meet the criteria would still be rejected because I'm the one picking it.//

If you're suggesting it's personal - perish the thought, I have nothing but admiration for you (on most things) it's just that completing your education is taking me a lot longer than I thought it would.

Btw, Can you give reliable source for that weather scam - it sounds very like one of the many fake-news reports the Donald has to endure.
And you should show him more respect if only because his mother is Scottish
Khandro: simply google "Dorian Alabama" and you'll find hundreds of citations. I could also refer you directly to Trump's many tweets on the subject, if that helps.

In any case, it's but one of many dozens of things Trump has said or done that ought to be regarded as shameful no matter what side of the political divide you're on. There are plenty more than dozens, but at some point it becomes harder to separate the politics from the procedure.
As regards whether I think it's personal or not: in this case I meant only that Trump's politics and my own are so far apart that there has to be an element of "you would think that, wouldn't you?" in response to what I say about him. I tried to choose an example that should be as uncontroversial as possible: Hurricane forecasting is apolitical, or at least was until Trump stepped into it.
anneasquith //He ( trump) is in India today. What could possible go wrong ?//
Today's enormous scandal.

It's quite sad, imo, to see the jims of this world scrabbling around in the gutter for trivia.
Remember the glory days? Bankruptcy for the US, world wide recession.
^That didn't matter because of the constant wars he'd start leading to nuclear oblivion.
Ah, happy days and now they're reduced to total sadsackery.
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//TBF it's complete and utter Tish!//

I why is that, my dear 3T?
Andy Hughes , 'Trump being caught saying, grab...... '

That must have been so upsetting for you !!
Though I must say, believe it not, out in the real world some of us have heard grown men say even naughtier things.
// Today's enormous scandal. //

Thanks for the link spicey, that was funny. Have you seen this one? It's hilarious..

Khandro, your patronizing aside, so have I, but none of them were planning to be President!

Your defence of this idiot says as much about you as it does about him.
//so have I, but none of them were planning to be President!//

Have you ever read transcriptions of the famous Nixon Whitehouse, "Exlpetive Deleted" tapes? In fact non of the presidents pace Carter were exactly wilting lilies.
Khandro - // Have you ever read transcriptions of the famous Nixon Whitehouse, "Exlpetive Deleted" tapes? In fact non of the presidents pace Carter were exactly wilting lilies. //

Time to stop digging.

If you think a defence for one moron is to simply indicate that he is not alone, then that shows how poor your defence actually is, coupled with your bizarre need to enforce it.

Very strange.
Remind me again, who's "digging"?
It's Khandro trying, and unsurprisingly failing, to defend the indefensible.

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