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Are 'travellers' Scum?

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Deskdiary | 23:40 Sat 15th Feb 2020 | News
71 Answers

I posted a question earlier, but it has been removed - I assume because I used a word that rhymes with 'likey'. Apparently that word is racist (even though 'travellers' are as white as I am and belong to the same race as me).


Ignoring, if we can, AB's over developed social conscience that censors something that doesn't warrant censoring (I CAN'T be racist to people of my own race), my original question remains - do these detritus have any redeeming features?

I'm pretty sure I've kept within AB's rules, so I hope this question won't be deleted/censored.


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God no! Not all of them.
Gosh...whoever removed that answer...seriously, get a grip, I explained it. A joke between life long friends. No offence intended by either side.
Are 'travellers' Scum?

Nooooo, their everyone's favourite neighbour aren't they !
The VAST majority of 'Travellers ' are only 'mobile scrap dealers' !
NOT ! correctly registered 'recycleing centers' which are permanent businesses, have registered as such with the local authority and pay rent and VAT!
And your point is, Eddie?

It's only in the last few years we've had to open accounts with local scrap dealers.

(we're not travellers...just metal is a legit perk of the job)
Typical Daily Wail reporting too!

Headline: "Travellers turn abandoned London retail centre into an illegal dumping ground . . ."

. . . but look further for their evidence:

Statement 1: "Travellers in caravans have reportedly been living on the London site since the beginning of February"

Statement 2: "It is unknown whether the men dumping rubbish on the site were part of the traveller group"

So what it actually boils down to is that travellers are living on a brown field site (which many people would see as far better than, say, them moving onto public playing fields) and that some people are also using that site for illegally dumping waste. There appears to be no evidence at all to link the two things together!
i think that some certainly are, those that despoil the countryside parking on green sites, creating all kinds of mess. My brothers workplace was dumped on, the grounds at the back of the property filled up with their detritus, they were eventually moved on but what they left behind wasn't nice.
They are certainly predatory and I think they see ordinary people as prey.
Like any group of people, some are asses, some are not. So you've had a bad experience with them in the past? Doesn't mean you should write the whole community off does it?
The whole community?
Using public land as toilets and dumping grounds for their rubble and rubbish?
I fear their arrival and am relieved when they depart, to allow the council to spend a whole lot of money sanitising the site.
They are the absolute scourge of society and no, they have no redeeming features.
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I am willing to bet my
Left arm that all of the hand-wringing virtue signallers that have posted on this thread absolutely would not be happy for a load of travellers to pitch camp in a field next door to their house.
i wouldn't like them camped out if i lived in the country, but i live in the capital and they don't pose so much of a problem here. I feel sorry for those that are affected by the travellers and their oft times filthy habits.
Yes, they are scum and I speak from experience. There used to be a large plot of land near to where I live which has now thankfully been built on. They used to camp out on there and we were all angered by this as we used to get robbed, they defecated along the river path daily leaving toilet paper behind as well. The used to drive large vehicles without tax discs on, but when this was pointed out to the police they wouldn't act !!! They were cruel to their dogs and always left at least two poor, cowering ones behind when they finally decamped and once they even stole my neighbour's little yorkie, but my neighbour went onto the site, found him tied to a caravan and brought him back home. I repeat, scum !!
An 80 year old widow round the corner from me had them lay a new drive. They dug up the old one and
left the rubble on the pavement. They asked her for some money for the tarmac (£1,000). They were never seen again!
I don't like generalising, but I wouldn't give them the time of day.
Well on the plus side they purport to be good Christians.

Just because they have the same skin tone doesn’t mean they are the same race. I could be wrong in this but I thought (true) travellers were an ethnic minority?

However I did use the term Desktop used just yesterday. Everyone knew who I meant and no one cared that I used the term. To the non PC brigade they are just descriptive terms that identify groups. PC has made the term racist.

However back to the OP.

As an ethnic minority they have bagged themselves a few legal concessions. Such as being able to circumvent the planning laws and they also seem to be able to trot around conning old people out of extortionate amounts of money for crap tarmac ing. The police and authorities for their part are so PC and frightened about being called racist they stand back for fear of doing anything. Only doing their job when the they absolutely have to.

That’s not to say they never do anything but that more often than not the wheels of justice run very very slowly when minorities are the subject of investigation.

I would make them pick it all up and take it to the dump and pay for the privilege like the rest of the country. Or dump it all 8n their caravans.

I don’t know what the solution is because these people don’t care about laws.

Buenchico, their modus operandi is live on the site till they get kicked off and use it to dump. That is what they do.

That is what they have always done.
I can’t recollect having seen any here, the only time the travellers come is once a year in June ,Race week its known here because they have a Pitmens derby at Newcastle race course, the travellers arrive for a huge funfair fondly called ‘ The Hoppings ‘ and have done this since 1882, but as for them setting up camps near us, No, never and from what HereIam says, I’m so pleased they haven’t !
It was a nightmare time Bobbs, we used to dread the arrival of the caravans and huge cars they all seemed able to afford. The police were always called, but honestly, they were useless. What sickened us all the most was the human waste along the river path and for me personally the poor dogs always left behind which ran away and we could never catch them. A starving, terrified greyhound broke my heart once and no matter how near I go to it with my coaxing, soothing voice, it still ran from me. Haunts me still that dog. The RSPCA were alerted, but I never knew who found it, if anyone. We now have a nice array of shops on the site and it's a pleasure to go there.
Then come the tv documentaries which they will of got a fair sum for, the one thing I learned from watching one such programme , their young girls are not as promiscuous as ours? But those huge blancmange dresses and the make up made your eyes water haha

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