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Bobbisox1 | 08:33 Tue 04th Feb 2020 | News
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BJ wants emergency measures to stop early release of Terrorists ( just as he said he would)


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Or carry something for defence?
Gruinard occurred to me too as a perfect location, but "unfortunately" it was decontaminated in 1986 and sold back to its owners in 1990.
eddie: 12:04, oh right I see so knifing the public is not in their conditions is it? well who'd know they'd not obey the rules?! get real!
excuse me please
I want to differ - but that doesnt mean that I am stalking free tee (as Oscar W might say - I wouldnt do that he is far too ugly - ter daah gloss from oral testimony on his [ the divine oscars that is!] criminal trial)

sentences are as we know the prerogative of Judges and that nailed the at her majestys pleasure bit a few years ago - so they cant be increased for those already sentenced ( wivvart an appeal hearing as 3T might comment)

so varying them is NOT within the powers of the govt in retrospect

everyone including the govt has to obey the law
ph dear didnt we learn that with Prorogation ?
no clearly we did not

so yes free tee - the bizzies cant batter down your door
and say - free tee?
and you whimper : yes what I have done now ?
Cressida for it is she: you are fracking nicked boyo
Free tee from under the bed: I paid my TV licence - I did! I did! altho I admit to adding "you are a crowd of tired wonkers"
across the cheque in a glorious display of defiance

Cressida - well we have decided to cut your hands off as well - we are allowed to do that you know post Brexit and part of the freedoms restored to this great kingdom ! hold out your hand you miserable little creature !

this is an impossible scenario - PP shouts to 3T who is still under the bed and he whispers back - are you sure?
yes 3T this will never happen

plock ! I wd open a bot or two of poo in celebration
of the great restoration of ancient freedoms such as the govt not interfering with judicial decisions with retro effect

PS it is safe to come out from under the bed

we have had a bit on retrospective legislation before

and the next time was the war crimes act 1999 where the law lords really threw their woolsacks around
(advised it should not be passed but it was - result one prosecution costing £10m and ending in acquittal)

the government make the rules they also make the rules about the rules, end of!
naomi //Nonsense! Where did you get that from?//

The Quran, chapter 3 (Al Imran), verse 169–170
Khandro, I don't think you got your interpretation from there.
Thanks NJ, but it doesn't fully answer the question. It pushes it back a stage to, "Why was the provision for automatic release at the half way point for all prisoners serving determinate sentences introduced with the 2003 Criminal Justice Act ?"

Since there is a conflict between the sentence handed out and this "half only" nonsense might the law be considered invalid and in need of clarifying ? Since there is confusion as to the actual sentence handed out (x years or x÷2 years) a clarification isn't retrospectively applying a change, it's just clarifying what was the given sentence all along.
// They may succeed in doing that. What I think they will not succeed in doing is to have the new measure applied retrospectively.//

well they wont succeed then - will they? o god AB in full swing
Imran 3:169And never think of those who have been killed in the cause of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision,
as bestowed upon them of His bounty, and they receive good tidings about those [to be martyred] after them who have not yet joined them - that there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve.

not wishing to accused by any passing snowflakes of stalking
but I think Khandro may have a point

my own grouse is that kufr shouldnt be applied to christians as they are already covered as ahl al kitab
sigh but only NIgh understands that

PP, if you think Khandro has a point, I suggest you read both the verse and his interpretation of it again.

But nothing is based on divine revelation, so all must be in the same boat.
//my own grouse is that kufr shouldnt be applied to christians as they are already covered as ahl al kitab
sigh but only NIgh understands that //

Sigh. Seems that's true, pp. You missed the bit where it changes track. Do keep up.
I would suspect that one reason a Muslim extremist might justify carrying out these acts could be to cleanse their previous personal sins in the eyes of Allah & go to paradise rather than hell. But on a practical level I doubt many, if any, don't also want to change the world order also. In fact I suspect, especially in the case of Daesh and their land invasion, it is the primary reason, with the cleansing part simply being the excuse. "Holy" books can provide justification for all sorts of atrocities, doesn't mean it's legitimate.
PP Thanks, but there's no chance once those teeth lock on.
interestingly, the judiciary now make available the sentencing remarks from Sudesh Amman's trail, whereas they weren't available at the time.
Khandro, twisting words shows.
naomi - // PP, if you think Khandro has a point, I suggest you read both the verse and his interpretation of it again. //

From previous exchanges, I gather that you believe that the Koran is 'instruction', and not actually open to interpretation.

Surely that negates anything Khandro is saying?

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