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Labour About To Change Tack

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emmie | 08:34 Thu 28th Nov 2019 | News
32 Answers
is this a wise move so close to the election


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Woofgang: "So its not enough for them to be honest about what they actually believeand would do and then leave it to voters to decide? " - Labour are an iceberg of hatred and extremism, if you think you don't like the bit you can see, be very afraid of what is under the water.
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TTT tend to agree with you.
^^ As spoken by the outraged Tory Tory Tory Man, aka Frank Doberman.
In the headquarters of the Tory Party, here at AB Towers, everyone is having to change their underwear at the thought of a Labour Govt! :o)
It's a bit late for them to become a leave party. And given they it's down to their opposition to democracy that we're still in the EU, thus this election is 100% about Brexit, no other issue's promises (nor lies) will change anything. It just seems an act of desperation to try. Going to be decades before they seem fit for election, which is a bad thing.
I actually think that a lot of Labour supporters and MPs are just as horrified as anyone else by what's going on at the top of their party (Trots buoyed up by Momentum). They are like rabbits caught in the headlights and can't see a way through it without giving up their core beliefs or trashing their careers.
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OG tend to think the same as you, bad thing that the Labourites are indeed changing their tactics, if they lose this election, which i am hoping they do, then can't see them being elected for a long time to come
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10cs: "In the headquarters of the Tory Party, here at AB Towers, everyone is having to change their underwear at the thought of a Labour Govt! :o) " - correct like any right thinking person we are terrified of Jezza and his stasi getting anywhere near the levers of power.
You will note that Labour are only "changing tack" in the constituencies that had a majority vote for Leave in the Brexit referendum. Here they will now profess their own desire to leave and promise to hasten the implementation of leave whilst making the remain voters pay all the costs of leaving. In the Remain constituencies they will of course, in keeping with their confused state of mind, be promising exactly the opposite.

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