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Should We Still Be Paying For The Sins Of Some Of Our Fore Fathers?

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anotheoldgit | 09:29 Sat 24th Aug 2019 | News
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In fact hasn't the time now come to forget what happened so far back in history, as this sort of thing only alienates once race against another?



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And while we are at the trough, get the Catholic church to compensate for their fun and games
Is it me or is spicerack unusually angry today?

You okay bro? Bad day?
Absolutely ridiculous..but to be expected from the loony lefties on a big black guilt trip that infects these organisations...

Wonder when Italy/ Romans will be apologising etc for their slave days...and the Incas and the Mayans for their exploits with slavery..etc etc...
Oh i see its just the UK that has these fools that want to salve their conscience so they can feel all warm and tingly inside and feel good about themselves
More nonsense. Without this country, for all its perceived historical sins, the University of the West Indies wouldn’t exist.
I don't think that black people today realise the terrible atrocities that their Muslim ancestors inflicted on the world . The Barbary pirates trawled the world capturing white people to enslave them. No country, including Britain escaped their clutches. Moroccan Sultans bought and sold white people like they were trinkets.
White people have a terrible record when it comes to slavery but the black people need to be made more aware of their own heritage.
Anyone interested in reading up on this subject should read -------------White Gold by Giles Milton.
Definitely NOT, I'm sure the money could be well spent on many, many issues today !
Today's African ny origin populations of the Caribbean, North America and the UK owe a great debt to the evils of the slave trade (as one early poster pointed out): the trade-of between the appalling suffering of their remote ancestors and the privileged lives they enjoy in the societies of the former enslavers.

"Roots", Mr Haley? Name me one single country in Africa which you would prefer to the USA. Or one single city in Africa which you would find more congenial to live in than NY or LA.

PS: did a poster mention the Islamic slave trade? Slavery has never been endorsed or justified by Islam. The mere suggestion is hate speech.
African by origin...
And for barefoot urchins in Liverpool and elsewhere during the 1920's to 1940's? Hungry too.
// AOG - you've never pointed out you've fought in the war?//
I thought as a matter of maff and birth
he was too young and did national service just after

but boys and girls cut the poor old boy some slack will you ?
Theland, perhaps you could rally the good people of Liverpool to join up to a scheme similar to that which Glasgow and The University of West Indies are doing.
// PS: did a poster mention the Islamic slave trade? Slavery has never been endorsed or justified by Islam. The mere suggestion is hate speech.//

yeah like Christ didnt rise on the Third Day

abd allah - o go OK abdu llahi
dont mean slave of God - yeah right.

we do realise that there were slaves in the New Testament as well innit?
// Moroccan Sultans bought and sold white people like they were trinkets. //

yeah foo ! to quote Nigh - the Count of Monte Cristo buys the slave Haydee in order to compromise the betrayal of le comte de Mondego - in the Count of Monte Cristo and that is nineteenth century

Nice post - make a change from the usual thin gruel dredged from someones O level essays
Kehinde Andrews, professor of black studies at Birmingham University, would agree to our tax payers shelling out to black people.
He even said our flag is racist.
Diane Abbott and David Lammy would probably support handouts to blacks, because they are ...... Black.
Where's the shoe polish?
Spondoolies in the offing!
//we do realise that there were slaves in the New Testament as well innit?//

Are you trying to make a serious point, Pet?

And, if so, what is it?

Do you have a comment based on fact rather than Common Purpose agitprop? E.g. the legal probitions of slavery in Mauretania (three at least in the late 20th century - abolitionist zeal which exceeds Wilberforce'), or when it was "abolished" in Niger, or even when and why it was "abolished in Saudi Arabia? Do you have a comment about Sudan and Dafur? Do I need to carry on?)
PS: I wonder if he's on the payroll of the Salafist Didsbury mosque.
In OT and NT times, and later, everybody kept slaves, the difference was how different people treated them.
ve---Hate speech?? You really need to brush up on your European history. Although Islam prohibited the enslaving of Muslims they went out and kidnapped the highly prized white Europeans from all over the world. The people in Devon and Cornwall in the early 1600s lived in constant fear of the marauding pirates.
In fact one of my own ancestors was kidnapped, taken to Morocco and enslaved for many years. There was no hate speech at all in my post.
//the difference was how different people treated them//

I prefer to think it's about the time when we (the "society") realised it was wrong, Theland.

The abolitionist movement in the early 19th century effectively renounced the Old Testament endorsement of slavery, and the New Testament's passive acceptance.

This latititude is not allowed to any Islamic scholar. The "perfect" man traded in slaves. He (the "perfect" man) reconciled two contrary notions: firstly he said that the manumission of slaves was a pious act and in some cases expiatory of sin.

On the other hand, should he choose not to free the slave, then he's free to have sex with her however young she is. And that too is a pious act.

Contradict that statement at your peril.

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