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It's A Boy!!

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-SharonA- | 14:44 Mon 06th May 2019 | News
68 Answers
Congrats to the Sussexs


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^^ this will make sqads birthday special ;)
And the new baby will be delighted to ‘ share’ his birthday . :*)
Who cares?
Congratualtions to the proud parents. So very sad though that Princess Diana has missed out on her grandchildren. She would have been a wonderful nana x
Proud grandad Sqad shares birthday with the Royal Babe the Britannic Consul for Obstetric Affairs in Malaga announced. "Just let me get my filthy hands on her!" joked Mr Sqad. "The royal offspring is a boy !" corrected her britannic majesty's consult
"Oh er yes !" said Sqad - latterly sugeon accoucheur to the stars, 'him, I thought you meant her."

asked to comment further, the surgeon-accoucheur whose motto is - "you may be too old to HAVE a baby but never too old to deliver one!" commented: "is the Duchess off her Royal Rocker ? First child delivered at home ? - I hope they had a fully equipped maternity theatre out back on standby!"
// She would have been a wonderful nana x//
yeah just think: Princess Di, now Sayyida Fayed ( yeah forgotten the levantine boyfriend had you?) and suitably attired in deep purdah ( black fabric head to toe sort of tapering at the top where her brain was meant to be).
And Sqad delivering..... I would certainly buy the video !
Lol at Talbot !
Splendid news!
Just hope he does not grow up with" Ginger Hair", dead give away? . eh,
^ Harry looks a lot like Charles.
Congratulations to them all.

His Dad is ginger, so he may well be ginger, what is the problem with that?
tambo, have you seen the film 'King Ralph?'
I put the news at 6pm on. I expected a one liner: "She's had a boy, 7lbs 3oz (or whatever), mother and baby both OK". Then on to "41 people died in a plane crash in Moscow"; "Judd Trump has one hand on the world snooker championship"; "Norwich City FC's open top bus breaks down" and finally "Mrs May has capitulated to [insert name of whoever she's been talking to] in the latest Brexit talks".

But no. By 6:15 it was still going on. Reporters in Windsor; reporters outside Buck House; interviews with people camping on the pavement at both venues; intricate explanations as to why the latest arrival is seventh in line to the Throne (he may as well be 107th for all that matters). I gave up at that point. Just what is the matter with this country?

I've just returned. Now an interview with a "royal watcher" speculating on the name (apparently, Diana's father was called John, so John is a hot favourite). How the newborn is not yet HRH but will be when Charles takes the Throne. Now "How much will that newly renovated front wall in their new cottage afford them privacy?"

You couldn't make it up.
Harry looks a lot like "James Hewitt"?.
I suspect the baby will have dark hair, but ginger would be perfectly reasonable with Harry as his dad.
Speculation kind of is made up, nj :-). Most people love babies and one that everybody knows about is likely to get some interest. I have certainly seen less interesting things reported very often.
Good job I didn't type some of these comments or they'd have wanted me sent to the tower.
Well thats Brexit kicked into the Long Grass then . The news will be all about the Royal Baby.

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