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A Longer Sentence Than I Expected

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youngmafbog | 13:41 Thu 21st Mar 2019 | News
125 Answers
But for this utter savage it should be the rope or if we cannot have that full life, no parole ever.

Even after 27 years he will be able to live a life after raping and murdering this poor six year old, lets just hope the hand wringers have been expunged from any decision making by then.


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^^^to Douglas @13.19
Andres, as we are discussing a case in which your oh so peaceful solution isn't allowed, don't even dream of lumping me in with those advocating torture.
He has got what he deserves.
oh come on we havent pulled out the finger nails of child killers for at least three hundred years

time to restart I hear 1000 ABers cry
^^^^Well if 'forever' isn't torture i don't know what is !^^^^
I am advocating something that is within our laws.

I have never and will never be a 'soap on the stairs' 'rape in the showers' merchant.

Lobby Parliament for a change in the law.
Perhaps when we leave the EU we will be able to change some laws regarding crime and punishments.
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Andres, in the current liberal climate of no lethal injection or preferable to me the rope many will try to find solace in that the piece of scum will have a very uncomfortable time.

When hanging was abolished I seem to recall people were assured life would mean life, not as now when people are let out after terribly short periods.

"He has got what he deserves."

I beg to differ.
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Andres, hanging was abolished well before the EU. (1965)
^^^^Iam well aware of that and at the time I did not agree with doing away with Capital punishment. It's time it was brought back.
Yeah good luck with that andres
As he was sentenced to 'Life' he can only ever be released 'On Licence' If he is even arrested the sentence will be reactivated and he will be returned to Jail. If that happens he cannot get parole again and will die in jail.
If it is of any condolance he will be 'Hated' in Prison . Other prisoners will give food ,cigarettes and confectionary to any prisoner who can 'Hurt' him ! Hiding small pieces of broken glass in his food will be one way of getting to him !
If it will be such a punishment he will possibly find means to top himself eventually or drive himself nuts.
Save the expense of board and lodgings and cut out the middle man. Reintroduce him to death. He is no stranger to it!!!.
I fully imagine there are enough Lord Longford type characters waiting in the wings on Parole boards judging by their recent decisions.
By the way 'Life without parole' still exists! It is a possible sentence for 'Setting fire to a Navy Dockyard'
"He doesn't deserve to live. "

And he also doesn't deserve to just 'slip away'. How's that a punishment? It's a means to an end.
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Great Eddie tell that to the victim of Glyn Dix - Jailed for life for murder in the 1970s but after his release killed again.
//By the way 'Life without parole' still exists! It is a possible sentence for 'Setting fire to a Navy Dockyard'//

That was one of the last hanging offences taken off the statute books along with Treason.
"For Scotland, the law is set out in the Prisoners and Criminal Proceedings (Scotland) Act 1993, as amended in relation to life prisoners by the Convention Rights (Compliance) (Scotland) Act 2001, which incorporated changes to ensure that the procedure is compliant with the European Convention on Human"

Some further reading:

The above seems to override flights of fancy and general made up stuff but I'm open to persuasion.
He’s been dealt with. All the opinions re death sentence, torture are not going to happen,. Best thing is to Stop using his name , give him NO publicity. RIP Alesha.
Nah his name needs to be tarnished, so in the potential unfortunate event of his release, everyone remembers Aaron Campbell as a paedophile, rapist and murder. He'll then wish he got a full life sentence. Till death does him part.

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