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Sadiq Khan Accuses Home Secretary Of "playing To The Far Right"

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anotheoldgit | 08:55 Thu 25th Oct 2018 | News
138 Answers

/// "These sick Asian paedophiles are finally facing justice. I want to commend the bravery of the victims. For too long, they were ignored. Not on my watch. There will be no no-go areas." ///



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Aog, by referring to these gangs simply as Asian, culpability is minimised – all, I guess, in the name of social cohension. The media does it too.
Javid used the term "no go areas"

"I think you will find that he was referring to other parts of the UK, including London. "

My point is that there are zero no go areas.
Naomi, culpability is with the individual offenders, not with their origins.
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/// Another officer with Lancashire police said that officers have to “contact local community leaders to get their permission” before they are allowed to patrol in Muslim areas of Preston. ///
danny, //Naomi, culpability is with the individual offenders, not with their origins. //

Strange then that from town to town to town, one section of the community is overwhelmingly culpable.
You are deluded if you think that means non Muslim Brits can't go into these areas. I can go where ever I want in the UK on road or on foot. No sharia law is out to stop me.
And when you start listening to trump on how our country is is the moment you need to get out of your house.
Naomi, no section of a community is culpable.Only individuals can be culpable.
The lie of Mayor Khan’s position on FGM is as ludicrous as that about Corbyn and anti-semitism.

Utter garbage, both lies.

Earlier this year Khan said “There is zero-tolerance for FGM in London. It’s an abhorrent and illegal practice that violates the rights and bodies of women and girls.“

How much more ‘against’ could he be?
It's OK BB it's just the media getting the right wing bordering extremists all emotional.
“It's OK BB it's just the media getting the right wing bordering extremists all emotional.”

Doesn’t take much, Spath.
danny, believe that if you will.

bainbrig, Talbot posted a video of Khan re FGM. No doubt about what Khan said. I don't know if he still has it.
This is worrying also.. probably why they are playing to the far right!

Also anyone else know he just bought a £950,000 home? Well aint you glad you sent £5 to help free him from prison. Criminal
dannyk13 - I think your reading of 'culpable' is very narrow (unusually so for someone with your passion for words). These children have been abused quite openly in Pakistani areas of our country for generations and their communities must shoulder the blame.
Maisie, so if a gang of local louts in your area regularly go on a crime spree your community is culpable?
If we tolerate it for generations, yes. And if we think it might even be justified, we're colluding in the abuse.
I'm sorry Maisie we will have to disagree.I think that culpability for a crime lies with the criminal unless he has actually been coerced by outside forces.
If a load of caravans suddenly pitched up in the local Sainsbury car park and all the lead on the surrounding churches disappeared over night and Garden sheds were burgled then it might be well founded to point the finger at the travelling community that has suddenly appeared.It would be very harsh,however, to point the finger at the stoic members of the British Caravan Club community in the New Forest and tar them with the same brush. :-)
If the Old Bill come knocking on your door Professor because you live next door to the garage that’s been selling vodka to underage girls and you’ve never done a thing about it then you might (?) have a different attitude :-)
None of which tho explains the culpability conundrum
The passive acceptance of crime is blameworthy, you seem to be fixated on the criminal aspect.
I think the behaviour of the Pakistani community as a whole goes beyond simple passivity.

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