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Have Our Uk Politicians Something To Learn From Holland's, France's And Belgium's Politicians?

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anotheoldgit | 12:04 Wed 27th Jun 2018 | News
44 Answers

Senator Marjolein Faber-Van de Klashorst called it a historical day because this is the first step to de-Islamize the Netherlands, and the next step is to close all the mosques in the Netherlands, she said.



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AOG, did you mean 'Where is there any evidence of systematic destruction of sections of the Dutch, French or Belgium MUSLIM community?'
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/// When the start closing Christian churches they will be Nazis, but funnily enough, that attitude seems only to extend from Christians to Muslims, not the other way around. ///

There have been many Christian churches closed and in some areas these have been changed into Muslim community centres.

And I have never heard anyone accuse the Muslims of being Nazis, only in the AH Muslim loving world.
People in this country who consistently defend Islam and condemn anyone who criticises it fail to understand that other countries in Europe are taking the brunt of the mass, uncontrolled, immigration from the Middle East and Africa and therefore, they are rather more aware of its effects than someone who says he knows only one Muslim. Furthermore, to call the Dutch ‘Nazis’ is not only ignorant in the extreme, it’s probably the greatest insult that could be levelled at a country that suffered so much at the hands of the Nazis. Go to Amsterdam and see the Holocaust memorial – and the tributes to the Dutch Jews, murdered in Nazi death camps, that line the sides of the canals. That’s Dutch ‘Nazis’ for you!!
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To say nothing of poor Anne Frank.
they are bang on with the de-islamisation aim, well done to the screamers.
Screaming Lord Such = Dutch.......?
AH: " I do not believe that calling them 'Nazis' is going to far - the parallels are clearly there to be seen. " - quite right, in the current Labour party for a start.
BA for naomi at 13:25
It's one thing to say that, being brought up to feel a need to hide from everyone under a cloth when in public goes against modern morality and won't be tolerated. It's quite another thing, and in the opposite direction, to say that religious tolerance is to be abandoned and one's country is reverting to 'our religion only' mentality.

If the rest of Europe is experiencing worse migration problems than here, then it's their own fault for letting large numbers of illegals in with open arms. And worse, not weeding out trouble nakers of any variety and sending them packing. You don't need to known more than one, or two, or a thousand Muslims, to realise that's right.
Being a victim on one occasion does not make one immune from criticism on a later occasion. Unfortunate suggestion, that.
You seriously think that Muslims wear Burkas because they 'feel a need to hide from everyone under a cloth' ?
//You ... think Muslims wear Burkas because they 'feel a need to hide from everyone under a cloth' ?//

I suppose you'd have to ask all of "them" to find out what "they" feel. But, apart from a few designer Muslimas wheeled on to TV "discussion" programs to talk about the burqa's role in female empowerment and the health benefits to be gained by avoiding sunlight, I doubt that what "they feel" is of any consequence.

The theological reason given in the Koran for mandating "modest" dress (of which the burqa and niqab are the extreme examples) is to ensure that people recognise you as a chaste Muslim woman who does not encourage men's lewd appetites and expose herself to sexual abuse.

You can see, of course, what this dress code implies about women who don't so dress.
Yes, our politicians do have something to learn aog, but sadly they never will. I'd love my country to be de-Islamised' ...
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/// The theological reason given in the Koran for mandating "modest" dress (of which the burqa and niqab are the extreme examples) is to ensure that people recognise you as a chaste Muslim woman who does not encourage men's lewd appetites and expose herself to sexual abuse. ///

That says more of Muslim men, than it does of men per se.
if the burqa was about empowerment why haven't we all got one on?
because you already have the power to decide to wear one if you want.
I am in favour of this not really because it is based on religion, which I believe has no place on a civilised world, but for practical reasons.

There are places where the face should be visible. Education, health facilities, courts and places of law and public access buildings.

It has everything to do with safety, communication and integration of everyone.
Close a mosque by all means if it’s assesed to be a centre for radicalisation, but talk of ‘deislamification’ and ‘closing all mosques’ is sheer religious intolerance. Or more likely in this case an attempt at vote grabbing. Those who see no parallels with Nazism are in self denial. The Nazis had good reasons in their minds for doing what they did too
Ichkeria, //Those who see no parallels with Nazism are in self denial.//

What are the parallels? I have a long memory, and coming from someone who has resorted to lying in defence of Islam, I do see denial here, but it isn’t coming from those who refuse to join the ignorant in shamefully branding the Dutch ‘Nazis’. I’ll ask you the same question I asked andy-hughes – which remains unanswered. Which bits of Islam do you think should be tolerated? All of it or just selected snippets of it? Should we tolerate violent demonstrations against the freedom of the western press – and moreover should we continue to kowtow to those demonstrators as we have up to now? Should we tolerate people who call for the death of our military personnel and hold our values in disdain? Should we tolerate the ambition to impose an alien culture on the rest of us? Should we tolerate bending rules that apply to everyone else in order to accommodate the demands of one religion? Should we close our eyes to the unacceptable? What exactly do you want us to tolerate?
Well said Naomi- the branding of the Dutch people as "Nazis" is a vile slur, and shows a worrying ignorance of what is actually happening within Europe. If there are any parrellels currently to the Nazi party, it is on the streets of Britain where people calling themselves anti-fascists (a Nazi ploy), are initimidating the police, infiltrating our media, brainwashing our young and covering their faces, while simultaneously closing down free speech, branding anyone who disagrees with their warped ideology as phobics and haters. The parallels with the Nazi here are clear enough.

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