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Wales Ban On Tongue And Intimate Piercings For Under 18S

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mikey4444 | 08:10 Thu 01st Feb 2018 | News
76 Answers

I am amazed that this daft practise isn't already illegal !

Wales taking the lead again.


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Piercings and tattoos are horrible. But that's just my personal opinion.
08:27 Thu 01st Feb 2018
I don't have any tattoos or piercings ( excepts ears) and neither does my partner, however the idea that you might have more chance of having syphilis is hardly relevant these days is it?
It's that kind of complacency that causes empires to fall.

" more chance of having syphilis is hardly relevant these days is it?"

Isn't it? Why?
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My personal view is that piercings show a lack of judgement on the part of the wearer, and a complete lack of morals, if its done on children, with the parents permission.
Kvali....I am not one for links but.....

Morning mikey!
I wonder how many of the 20,000 Americans mentioned went to Cairo, got drunk, tattooed and caught the clap?
Seems many want to ban tattoos and piercings because they think they are ugy??

My kids had piecings, all the girls had ears and belly button, one had and a few in the ear and a tongue. Two of them have small tatoos. My son has none.

It's up to the parents and child really and I have found no problems with it. The one with many piercings only has earnings now and its not a problem, no damage done really.

Personally I am in agreement of them being ugly especially tatts which I grew up knowing as "Hard stickers" which were usually adorned by weaklings or Military type ones worn by those in the Forces. But I dont see why I should dictate to anyone.
Another thread for the judgemental curmudgeons to exhibit their disdain for the plebs.

Wales isn't 'taking the lead'though, is it? It's chasing other areas of the UK where these restrictions already exist.
I've no problem with children 12 and over having ear piercings - they heal if no stud or ring is worn for a while. I had a piercing when I was 13 but you'd never know it, you can't see the hole, although I can feel where it was.

If you stop 14 year old having ear piercings they'll do it themselves if they are determined to have a piercing.

I agree about the tongue and genital piercings, though - over 18s only.
The only time I think anything derogatory about someone's tattoos is when they have gone over the top. Something like head tattoos.

I wouldn't call anyone with a out of site arm or leg tattoo, lower class, thick and uneducated.

How it must be, to be perfect.

!I wonder how many of the 20,000 Americans mentioned went to Cairo, got drunk, tattooed and caught the clap? "

All this aspirational body art can be used to identify a particular member of the herd if it's found wandering and bewildered in a strange area.

The absolute uniqueness is striking, how many people have you seen with a barbed-wire tat on an upper arm or thigh?
A football club crest on an over-developed calf.
All these 'individuals', all the same.
Plenty of well educated, high earning professional people have tattoos - both men and women.

I dislike tattoos and wouldn't have one but I don't judge people that have them.
// My personal view is that piercings show a lack of judgement on the part of the wearer, and *a complete lack of morals*, if its done on children, with the parents permission. //

Well...I guess that means my Italian grandparents had no morals, as all 8 of their daughters had their ears pierced as babies. But it was part of their culture, should we be judgemental and holier-than-thou?
My daughter got her first tattoo well before she was 18...and without my knowledge or permission. I imagine quite a few do. As for piercings, she was so determined to have a brow piercing, she attempted it herself. I'm sure the self inflicted pain served as punishment enough.
On a much wider (and to me more important) note, I'm beginning to wonder just how far "devolution" has stretched. I haven't read of its limitations for Wales but last week the WA was proposing to alter the voting age and this week we see this. Quite frankly I couldn't care less who has what inscribed over their anatomy or what they have stuck through various parts of their body. It's the misuse of power by Parish Councils that concerns me far more. I'll try to read the devolution arrangements before commenting further.
i don't like Tattoos or piercings either, saw one guy with a jade coloured bone through his nostrils, looked grotesque
"high earning professional people"

Footballers and Cheryl (insert surname here)? :-)
My fabulous, caring GP for one.
hc......that was how many patients described Harold Shipman.......^^^^

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