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Alan Duncan Speaks The Truth Here

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mikey4444 | 08:08 Wed 04th Oct 2017 | News
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Normally, I have little time for Duncan, but he has hit the nail firmly on the head here.


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He is 100% correct in that it was lower educated / older people panicking over immigration that led to Brexit. I have said on here several times how I heard old people in the voting station queue saying to each other they were fed up with immigrants and were going to vote Leave. Then the next morning the young single mums in the Muslim run corner shop, all cheering...
08:36 Wed 04th Oct 2017
Well said NJ.
mikey, I relinquish my claim on BA in favour of the judge, who is, as usual, bang on.
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Too late I'm afraid...Eddie already had it at 08:36 !
BA for NJ?. No chance, he is not one of Mikey,s followers.
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danny ...sour grapes perhaps ?
My post was a tad TIC/facetious, danny.
No Mikey, the truth
Togo , at least read my answer before you misquote me.
Do you work for the Daily Wail? if not you have missed your vocation.
Blimey Eddie it MUST be true then if you heard 'old people' in the voting station queue, I mean ONE voting station out of how many in the country ????? Just to let you know, I voted leave mainly because I do not like being told by faceless foreign bureaucrats how I should live my life and yes I also want a curb on immigration as do many of us ....
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Danny....I will award BA to whoever I think deserves it.

In this case, it was Eddie. He and I may have different views on this subject, then you and others do, but that free speech for you.....inconvenient as you might find it.
Why would I find it inconvenient Mikey?
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Because you are criticism my choice of BA Danny.
I didn't Mikey, I just intimated that you would only give a BA to a like minded poster.Incidentally I was not the first to suggest this.
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danny....why would anybody give BA to a reply to a thread that disagreed with OP ?
Why not if it is a well crafted post?
I think the criticism of your choice of BA was not sour grapes. Just tounge in cheek. BA went typicaly to someone in agreement with the OP poster.

As I think I posted earlier no one with opposing views will be given BA because it would mean the OP has got it wrong.

Incidentally how out of step do you have to be with the people around you before you (perhaps grudgingly) admit you might, just, maybe be wrong?
///BA for NJ?. No chance, he is not one of Mikey,s followers///

Followers? Lol, you mean Butch Eddie & The Gullible Kid.
Question Author that was nearly funny !
You've got a gang, Mikey.
Can I join?
No-one else will have me either.
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Plenty of room here in Ambridge Spicey !

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