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Katie Hopkins Loses In Court Again !

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mikey4444 | 15:58 Fri 10th Mar 2017 | News
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Jack Monroe wins Katie Hopkins libel tweet case


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Question Author at 15:48 !

Yes, both ghastly, although for different reasons.
That's an interesting thought, I had assumed the papers would be funding it somehow.
// £107k costs on account. Full costs to be decided later.//

hi Slaney ! jesus £50k on each side at least
must remind you of medical negligence where in orthopaedic cases the costs easily exceed the amount claimed
PP - these days I prefer not to think of medical negligence...
Samjenko - // That's about the size of it, mikey, and? //

That answer my point then - but just because the judge reaches a conclusion that you don't agree with does not make him an idiot, it makes him a judge you don't agree with, which is not the same thing.

Just because President Trump referred to Meryl Streep as a 'mediocre actress' because she had the temerity to point out some of his many failings doesn't mean she is suddenly not the most awarded actress on the planet.
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Never mind Katie you can't win 'em all. Still like and admire you ...
That'd be the one that was removed, allen. Lol.
Good and more good!
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St.Katie is very popular with some of the abers. Puzzling ?
allen Doesn't alter the facts, sam.

//. Calling your political opponents names is the tactic of the intellectually challenged,//

Try joining in the debate sometime, if you're up to it.///

Doesn't alter the facts, allen. Your comment was removed which tells any normal person that you're the last person who should be dishing out advice.
Why don't you try joining any debate instead of spewing your demented invective at anyone who doesn't share your juvenile philosophy.
just so, anne. Some of them praise her for "telling it like it is", momentarily forgetting the times she tells it like it isn't.
Katie Hopkins: 'I see myself as the Jesus of the outspoken'

The lady likes to court controversy. :o)
Serves her right!
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Boaty...pass the sick bag please !
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Sam....why are your posts so nasty ?

Can't you debate in a civilised manner ?

And of course you would never dream of name calling would you?
// The libel law applies to the printed word - your point is?// AH 2 SJ

the victory lawyer made a variety of victory points which on reflection are quite obvious ( given london is the libel capital of the world - no free speech crap here I can tell you )

1. Tweets are subject to defamation law ( Bercow v McALpine)
2. covered by libel and not slander as they are permanent
3. libel is easier than slander - no need to show special damage
4. New libel law involves showing serious damage to reputation
5. and she did 4 ! or else she wouldnt have won
6 ergo she won under the old rules and the new

well there are 6 points for you

the judgement URL given by Slaney ( morning slaney ! ) is worth a read if you are thinking that this thread is repetitive

but jesus it does go arn and arn ( the judgement - even I got a bit tired altho I am a rabid judgement reader )

at uni you have to decide whether a shellac record is libel or slander - well you play it and it is speech but is the record ( pun intended ha! ) permanent ?

what if you taught a parrot to say " The Ab Editor is a wonker !" is that speech ( slander ) or permanent ( libel )

and other such exercises on a rainy day

( the last one is not by the way as mere abuse is not grounds to sue. That explains why Private Eye got away with referring to libel lawyer Peter Carter Ruck as Peter Carter Frack ( or somethnig near )
PP, it also explains why Hopkins herself isn't sued more often. On this occasion, however, her mere abuse was accompanied by "facts" that weren't.

Her real problem though wasn't getting it wrong, which most of us do, but stupidly refusing to back down when her error was pointed out to her.

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