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Hillary's Health

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-Talbot- | 21:04 Sun 11th Sep 2016 | News
88 Answers
Rumours abound for months now. Today those rumours were fuelled.

Cover up on her health or did she just get'overheated'?


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Trt > she spat out a couple of mucus blobs in her glass!

Resulting in her speaking Flemish.
Poor lass may still be suffering from menopause, of course (this is the very tolerant view, but at 67 I am also still suffering from hot burns and subsequent debilitating sweats so if I carry on, so can she).
she speaks five languages and rubbish in all of them...
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Watch both vids and tell me if I am going mad

Admitedly I had plenty to drink last night and have topped up a little today but can you spot why I am confused?
Help me out with an explanation hic*
Fair point jourdain.
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Two different videos. Or different angles ?
DB - not to worry,the UK/USA will still have its 'special relationship' :)
Oh ho. Cars in different directions I smell something ?
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PS. I'm sober Talbot :-)
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Can video software change the bodyguard from grabbing her left arm to grabbing her right?

I need another drink.
by mirroring, I would say, yes....
One seems to have Epileptic fits and the other Apoplectic fits. Vote now U.S.A.
A barmy system - problem is there are places such as North Korea................
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Her Doctor is now saying she has pneumonia.
This poor woman is not too well at the moment, but I have every expectation that she will recover soon.

But while the world debates about gobbets of mucus, Trump still bungles on and has yet to share his tax returns.
Good old mikey, as ever, a defender of lost causes.
Khandro.....Why do you constantly defend the ogre Trump ? Do you really think that he will make a good President ?

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