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A Question To The Remainers

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ToraToraTora | 15:41 Mon 15th Aug 2016 | News
32 Answers
will you be moving to continental Europe before we complete the process of brexiting?


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project fear was bipartisan, as I recall. Project hope was pretty mendacious too.

"because the EU is wonderful and we'll all starve without it, well that's what we have all bee told SP."

Was this in real life, or was this in your head?

I can't remember anyone saying we would starve if we left the E.U.

Evidence please.
No, despite being European by virtue of my birth in England, but will be expecting all those who have moved to places such as France, Spain, Portugal, Italy etc etc to move back........ poste haste...
The sooner they start the exit stuff the sooner we can get on with our lives, out as soon as possible.
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see my answer to jno at 17:03 SP.
No....why would I want to do that TTT ?

I would happily move to West Cornwall though.
Because some people have made it quite clear that they wish to remain EU citizens & a lot of folks have declared they do not, would it not be simpler for remainers to move to the continent & thereby in principle all Brexiters would be truly British ?
Ron........not sure how Britain would manage if 16,141,241 people suddenly left !
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well sour grape sales would fall for a start.
I know of one high earner who on the day of the result decided to dump plans to move back to the UK, and not because of the higher tax that the UK charges. A family I know decided to leave the UK and completed the move last Saturday.
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Higher tax than who Karl?
These people were born and bred British then Karl? Or do they have jobs in admin for the EUSSR? I think we need to know.

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