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Microsoft Accused Of Windows 10 Upgrade 'nasty Trick'

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naomi24 | 18:10 Tue 24th May 2016 | News
61 Answers
I've been resisting upgrading since the boxes first started popping up on my screen, but a couple of days ago the usual box changed to the one depicted in the link below - and although Microsoft say "Customers can choose to accept or decline the Windows 10 upgrade", I could find no way to decline it. I now have Windows 10 that I didn't want.

This is a 'nasty trick' and although it doesn't seem to have caused me any problems it doesn't smack of good business practice to me. Has anyone else been 'tricked'?


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I cannot see what all the fuss is about, I upgraded to 10 way back & love it.
you chose; good for you.
mine was like this, no X to close and I couldn't delete it with the task manager. I just left it there and installed GWX and that killed it.
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whiskeryron, principle.
congratulations on being a sheep Ron, you are just the sort of client Microsoft like, do what they tell you eh.
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TTT, technical stuff isn't my speciality. I bet they love people like me. :o/
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also with GWX you can at any time undo it so if you want to go with W10 you can. Perhaps Ron would like to tell us what the advantages are?? I'm slumbing it on W7 at the mo.
I upgraded to 10 about 12 months ago, I'm quite happy with it, no problems at all
Here are a few advantages
It's free (you are now the product not the customer)
It's new and Microsoft will keep you safe with compulsory updates (they know what's best for you)
Microsoft can monitor you and guide complementary goods and services directly to you
You can assist Microsoft by enabling your computer to act as a Microsoft server for updates to other users
The free upgrade offer expires in July so the reminders have been changed to recommended status, to negate complaints from ms users that they "missed" the opportunity. You just use the option to recover your old operating system. The original blurb that ms released this time last year explained all that we are now talking about and provided tick boxes to agree the terms before you "booked" your free upgrade. W10 is pretty good.

The issue is that many people would like to wait for bugs to be fixed in the first couple of iterations of a new piece of software before they take the plunge and update.

An analogy - you drive a Ford Focus which is three years old and has run smoothly in all that time. Ford develops a new engine management system and remotely installs it on your car whilst you're asleep. This new engine management system might work might be better than the old one, but what Ford doesn't know is that you've installed a new audio system, and because of the updated engine software, your new radio now stops working.

That's effectively what Microsoft have done. They've taken away your choice as to whether or not to have the new software applied.

It's not good.
If you don't like it when it is installed, you could try this - the technique is similar.
Just thinking. Would not shutting down your computer when it appeared have solved the problem?

The red X in the corner of the Window starts the upgrade instead of just closing the window. Which is why Microsoft is being accused of trickery.

Intuitively, people will interpret a red button with an X on as something that will STOP an upgrade, not to procede with it.
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Jackdaw, I switched my computer off at the wall socket. When I switched on again I had Windows 10! There is no escape - at least none that I could see.
That is trickery, Gromit. I cannot be the only person who thinks that clicking on X removes the box.
Good thinking sp. The radio is more important than the car after all. I've seen and heard you, with all the windows down and the bass speakers bouncing about on the boot shelf. BooM BooM Lets shake the room.

The last three albums I loved have been by Made In Heights, Lana Del Rey and John Grant.

You might want to 'edit your assumptions'.
Lol toucheeey.

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