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Just-Jude | 19:45 Wed 19th Aug 2015 | News
57 Answers
Should Smith be sacked along with the rest of the DWP liars who made up these fantasy stories?

Should they be the one's now being sanctioned instead of job seekers?


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How are they lying? From the two examples I have read, one seems to say,' I didn't realise that if I didn't have a CV I could lose some benefit. I know now'.

The other seems to say, 'If I can't attend a meeting because I have a hospital appointment I should get in touch and rearrange a time so that I don't lose any money.'

Where is the deceit in that?
No,I don't watch TV adverts and think folk are simply customers - this isn't about a washing powder.
Correct, mamya.This is about a government dept. telling people what they need to do to avoid falling foul of regulations which will be to their disadvantage. This is something to be commended, not condemned.
They also won't release data on how many people have died within 6 months of having their benefits stopped.
By all means tell it like it is Jackdaw,from the real words of those who have experienced it- not a copyist printing out words.
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Anyway, what's all the fuss about? In five years' time Saint Jeremy will lead us all to the land of milk and honey, where benefits will be a thing of the past. Mind you, it might be a tad tough for those who are diabetic or lactose-intolerant!
Irrespective of who is in charge,let us have openness and clarity.
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If it was such a good idea, why have the Tories abandoned it 2 days after it was exposed?

If it was such a good idea, why has Smith denied all knowledge of it?

If it was such a good idea, why have all the leaflets and tweets from the DWP disappeared?
divebuddy - "So what this boils down to is that the evil Tories have produced a leaflet that will help people to avoid being sanctioned."

No, this boils down to the government flouting Advertising Standards Agency regulations, which it is supposed to oversee, not ignore, and then trying to shift the blame which should be taken by the government minister, and elected MP who is supposed to be in charge.

He failed to accept responsibility, and dropped it onto his Director of Communications, also paid for by tax payers’ money, who denies all knowledge, making him paid by us to be incompetent and not know what his organisation is doing, or a liar, which is even worse!


No, wrong!
Well well. I agree with Andy.

Gulp! :-)
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divebuddy - please see here -

The Agency is not a legally binding body, but you would think that important organisations would want to be seen to be adhering to codes of practice that prevent misleading the public.

When I say ‘important organisations’ I mean people like … the government, you know, that sort of important.
Save your breath, db. I have been trying to convey the self-same message but fear that the rampant hatred of the government in some quarters precludes any regard for objectivity.
Jackdaw - " I have been trying to convey the self-same message but fear that the rampant hatred of the government in some quarters precludes any regard for objectivity."

I don’t hate the government, I just hate people that I have to pay money to finance lying to me, and then trying to get away with not admitting their responsibility.

People like the government, but the rule applies to anyone, I just hate being lied to.

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divebuddy - If the government have done nothing wrong, why the furious editing and departmental back-pedaling that’s currently going on.

If their leaflet was valid and kosher, and not misleading, there would be no need to withdraw it and publish another one – would there?
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