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Benefits To Immigrants

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naomi24 | 07:48 Thu 29th May 2014 | News
156 Answers
In the light of recent events clearly something must be done urgently to stem the flow of immigrants into this country. Could the solution be to restrict all benefits to those who have lived in this country, and contributed to its public purse, for, say, a minimum of five years?


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/// The fact that you don't personally remember something does not mean that it didn't happen anywhere in the country. It just means that you never personally witnessed it in the particular area in which you grew up. ///

No matter where I grew up and lived I was old enough to know if children were dropping dead like flies in this small Island of ours, we are not talking about continental Africa here.

Incidentally in our day one had to save up to get married, and then further down the line make the decision to change our life style and have children, we never expected the government to pay us to have these children, which was a good job really because they never did.

/// indeed any form of active attempt to stop the poor from "breeding" is dangerously close to eugenics. And yes, I really mean that. ///

That is just silly, it never stop them from breeding before benefits were introduced
Didn't have pensions either AOG, but I bet you still happily accept yours ;-)
You don't get a pension unless you contribute to it BOO.
If you fall below the threshold for paying state pension, you get Pension Credit Retrocop which amounts to the sam more or less.
A level playing field would be those acknowledged as citizens of a country and have been obeying the contribution to the nations coffers rules are eligible for aid when needed, whilst those coming in to freeload are ineligible and should ask their country of origin to send funds.

But if course if one had the sense to put up the "Sorry, Full" signs the question would not arise.
same even.
Genuine asylum seekers excepted of course.
I wonder how many of those who seem to think it quite in order to dish out our benefits to all those coming to our shores to live off us, would be quite willing to pay a separate extra amount on their National Insurance contributions so as to cover the additional costs?
This is the most recent study I can find and it says that 'immigrants' pay significantly more in tax and take less in benefits than native born 'Brits'
EU immigrants pay the highest % more than they claim but even 'other' nationalities pay an average of 2% more than they take out.
Illegal immigrants obviously can claim nothing as officially they do not exist.
At the moment I'd be happy to see as much as a 300% rise to my NI contributions...

But seriously -- it seems that immigrants claiming benefits is far less of a drain on our finances than many other sources of expenditure or lost income. And I don't see how it's possible to stop this particular problem without either inadvertently hitting the wrong people or leaving the EU altogether.
The hard working Roma community do not need to contribute to the public purse.
They nicked my mother in laws pension money OUT of her purse in Oxford Street.
Nice lucrative occupation and we let them enter our shores to do it.
Has anyone actually looked at the link I posted there, are many others that say the same. The idea that immigrants are a drain on resorces is the exact opposite of the truth they pay far more in than they take out.
UKIP jumped on the band wagon and used the anti immigration fever to get a lot of members elected to the EU and local councils.
You may as well talk to a brick wall Eddie, I've pointed it out relentlessly and all they do is ignore anything which doesn't tie in with what they'd like to believe.
It isn't all about benefits. It's also competition for jobs and houses.
Immigrants are a drain on the infrastructure.NHS overwhelmed.Housing shortage.Water shortages.Loss of reservoirs to facilitate building of extra housing at sky high prices.Immigrants need to drink water as well but we have shortages periodically.Despite the spin the police are stretched to the limit.Education is suffering.TB back in circulation as well as Scabies,HIV.We are a small Island.We are full.Our resources needed for day to day living are being swamped.It is'nt only about financial handouts at the job centre.It is about the survival and well being of this nation and the people who belong in it through birthright.
Those are illegal immigrants AOG- this is nothing to do with them.
One of the gang worked for Barclays bank.How come if he was an illegal immigrant?They supplied the means to obtain benefits illegally to immigrants who WERE illegally over here.Benefits should not be given to those entering this country without a job to go to first(As in Australia-Non EU nation of course).Exceptions would be GENUINE asylum seekers who came directly from their country to this one.NOT via every other country in Europe to claim asylum here.Hague Convention should cover that loophole I believe but it never seems to be applied here.
From Eddies link.

".....All immigrants were 45 percent less likely to claim from the state than "native", British-born citizens, the report showed....."

Now we know the couch potatos - lol

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