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Lee Rigby

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emmie | 09:28 Wed 26th Feb 2014 | News
199 Answers
should the killers of Lee Rigby ever come out of prison. They up for sentencing today.


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/// You always make a thread about you, AOG. ///

You are again wrong it is others like you who turn everything I say into a slanging match, am I not allowed to fight my corner?

If you don't care for what I say just ignore me, but then this would put an end to yours and other's fun wouldn't it?

Wow, I am not getting into further trouble especially at this time, so I will leave it to others to make their comments on what you have just put.
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divebuddy, so if we had no involvement in any of these hotspots we wouldn't have people like these two. Think again.
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i wish people wouldn't go to the court waving the Union flag, it looks more like a BNP rally. His family wouldn't want that i am sure.
divebuddy - I think your sweeping generalisation is well wide of the mark.

I think that the government and military forces care very much about civilian casualties.

I am absolutely no supporter of the policies of successive governments in regard to their perceived protection of our country, but to suggest that they exercise decisions with no thought for innocent lives is simply not true.

I don't believe that the actions of the government forces equate to a level of indifference among the civilian population that would indicate that such acts as the murder of Mr Rigby are an acceptable response.

Hopefully the two-and-fro'ing between a couple of posters will cease to prevent a valid and interesting discussion from being derailed and / or pulled from the site.
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I wish those involved would stop this bickering.
I also don't think that soldiers are callous, i do think they have a difficult job to do, and to be sent to places like Iraq, or Afghanistan, must be very difficult.

Yeah, I've noticed that too!
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the defence lawyers are saying that it would inhumane to give the men life terms, no parole,
They should never see the light of day as far as I'm concerned. Trouble is we are paying to keep them in there, I want a refund.
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this is a live feed, it seems the men have been fighting with the guards, and the family are in tears

"just as they would like to see the Daily Mail banned, or anything or anyone else, who dares to oppose their particular mindset."

Ha ha's like Monty Python.

Now getting back to non-AOG issues...emmie, you know what would be fantastic? If:

a) the murder of Lee Rigby made people come together in disgust.


b) after today, the names of his killers was forgotten forever.
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this won't be forgotten, there are more people out there like these two, this is not the last atrocity.
Well, I'm not going to waste time on them. In fact, all I can remember is that one if them is called Michael.
Hang on...I just realised what you wrote.

This event won't be forgotten. Absolutely...but that's not what I was saying.
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this is a defining case, not only if they get the full life term, i would hazard a guess that many who watched it unfold, as i did, then you wouldn't ever forget it.
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if you read the live feed above, it gives anyone the updates.
No...not the event.

Them as people.

I certainly won't be expending any effort in my life in keeping them alive in my mind.
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Alebaljo gets whole life tariff
Adebalago - Whole Life Tariff – good verdict.

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