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Will You Abide By These Eu Rules?

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anotheoldgit | 13:09 Wed 16th Oct 2013 | News
81 Answers

If this comes into force thanks once again to EU rules, why does it say "every household in Britain" when only councils across England and Wales have been told they have to follow EU guidance, why are Scotland and Northern island not mentioned, are they not also in the EU?

/// Every household in Britain will be expected to separate their recycling in to four separate boxes from 2015 under new European Union rules. ///

/// Councils across England and Wales have been told they have to follow EU guidance that will require paper, metal, glass and plastic to be collected separately. ///



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jno, our council (Hampshire) has just publicly gone from segregated glass recycling to all in together because there now isn't enough money to be made out of clear glass to make separate processing worthwhile. In fact secretly they had been doing it for years before, we used to watch the glass bins in the local supermarket being emptied, all the different colours were tipped into the same receptacle on the lorry!
"@baz Does that mean that you think that all the separated recycling we carry out now in the UK has only come about at the behest of the EU?"

where did i suggest that that is the current situation ?
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Do hope you all re-cycle your old copies of the Daily Mail, make a change from you using it in the loo.
@baz "where did i suggest that that is the current situation ?"

From this statement of yours

"exactly, why do we need the eussr to dictate to us under the guise of guidance (soon it will be a dictat) how we should recycle unless of course its just another one of their plans to have in place for when they have the superstate/empire they want"

So - do you think we only separate prior to waste collection because of some EU imposed dictat? If not, what is your objection? And if it is because it is too much effort, or too unsightly, or too inconvenient, what system would you prefer, and how would we cost it?
As some Ancient Roman said , AOG,"I have read your piece. It is before me, but soon it will be behind me !" They didn't have the Daily Mail for recycling in those days. I would recycle the paper copy, but the rusty nail has fallen off the wall in the downstairs bog, and I feel inhibited
at this moment in time I couldnt say exactly who and to what extent and degree the current system came from. and i'm certainly not going to wast any time looking into it.

"If not, what is your objection?"

I have already said i have no objection per se to recycling....but i will not be dictated to by the eussr and I though it was pretty clear that was the case from my i said the eussr can go swivel !

I'm pretty sure the UK can come up wiith its own systems for recycling without these unelected jobsworth bureaucrats doing it for us, we have more than enough of our own
Northern Ireland is not in Britain, aog. I have to say, we've now been given two big wheelie bins and two smaller (food and paper). We are lucky we have room for them at the side of the house out of sight, but would have trouble finding room for any more.
@baz You response seems illogical. You agree with the idea of recycling. You ( it seems) have no objection to pre-separation of waste by the householder. But you deride and decry pre-separation of waste by the householder because it is imposed upon us by unelected jobsworths?

"I'm pretty sure the UK can come up wiith its own systems for recycling without these unelected jobsworth bureaucrats doing it for us, we have more than enough of our own"

But the UK did! We came up with the idea of separation at the roadside independantly of the EU. Indeed, some areas of england/wales go even further than the suggested 4 different receptacles. And, contrary to the DM report, this is not a mandate- its a suggestion with plenty of opt-out provisos?

If the EU mandated that fires should be put out with water, would you be objecting because you objected to being dictated to by unelected jobsworth bureaucrats?

for some it is a matter of storage and indeed recycling collection, if you don't drive you can't get to a recycling centre, our borough has long had recycling bins, but if you live in a flat where do you store it all, especially if there is no garden.

jeepers, some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.

why do we need the eussr to tell us how to recycle, how many bins etc etc...moreover why do they feel the need to tell us how to recycle ?

are they running this country ...they obviously think they are

its as simple as that
"And, contrary to the DM report, this is not a mandate- its a suggestion with plenty of opt-out provisos?

at the moment...does the word mission creep mean anything to you...eventually if we dont bend to their will they will dictate

"If the EU mandated that fires should be put out with water, would you be objecting because you objected to being dictated to by unelected jobsworth bureaucrats? "

maybe put that in the jokes section...just saying

yet again, even if that is one of most ridiculous statement i've seen for a fair time...why do we need the eussr to tell us how to do anything, why do we have a government, its their job not the eussr to tell us what to do
@ baz "why do we need the eussr to tell us how to recycle, how many bins etc etc...moreover why do they feel the need to tell us how to recycle ?

are they running this country ...they obviously think they are

its as simple as that"

But they aren't, since these recommendations do not practically effect us, either because we are already doing it, or because there is an opt-out that can be utilised.

Your objection to the notion of the EU model of separated recycling by householders just seems illogical, since we are already doing that here.

If you have an objection to separated recycling by householders at all, that's a different issue - but if you do object to that, what other system would you suggest?
"But they aren't, since these recommendations do not practically effect us, either because we are already doing it, or because there is an opt-out that can be utilised. "

ok i'm getting bored now

I'm not interested in the recycling as such, my beef is with the eussr sticking their oar in where as far as i'm concerned like everything else in the UK its not needed, why do they need to suggest anything, we have our own government to suggest things, what has this got to do with them.

i have a few suggestions and recommendations I'd like to pass on to them !
"NJ, how much is too much? Do you object to all EU directives or just some of them?"

Yes, all of them, Fred, including those such as the one you mention which, ostensibly, make sense. That is because I object to the EU in principle in its current form and I particularly object to it interfering in matters which have little or no effect on other member states and that should concern the UK alone.

How my local authority deals with my waste is of no concern to anybody in Brussels. At present it sorts my recycling for me - a task which I am happy for it to do and for which I pay. If it is to be altered that should be dictated by my local councillors (whom I can lobby and who can ultimately be kicked out via the ballot box).
@baz "I'm not interested in the recycling as such, my beef is with the eussr sticking their oar in where as far as i'm concerned like everything else in the UK its not needed, why do they need to suggest anything, we have our own government to suggest things, what has this got to do with them.

i have a few suggestions and recommendations I'd like to pass on to them !"

I am sure they would be very interested to hear them, baz :) You comments about this on this thread are still illogical though...
"Northern Ireland is not in Britain,..."

Not relevant, pixie. Northern Ireland may not be part of Great Britain but it is part of the United Kingdom and it is the UK (including Northern Ireland) that is a member state of the EU.
My council does not accept plastic of any kind for recycling! If I have the temerity to accidentally put (e.g.) a plastic milk bottle in my recycling box it gets pulled out by the binmen (sorry, council recycling operatives) and unceremoniously chucked onto my front lawn.
I know, newjudge, i was answering aog's statement:

//why does it say "every household in Britain" when only councils across England and Wales have been told they have to follow EU guidance, why are Scotland and Northern island not mentioned//
I can see and hear you SP. You are here, honest.

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