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Workless Families

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hawksley | 10:05 Wed 28th Aug 2013 | News
19 Answers
On tv news today,it was mentioned that there are complete families where Mother,Father, and adult sons, daughters, have never worked in their lives .what crossed my mind was do they all qualify ,for state pensions when they reach retiring age,? also how can they retire if they have never worked??? [confused ].


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As I understand it, if you are receiving Job Seekers Allowance, your NIC's are paid for you, so, theoretically, it is indeed possible to not work and still get an OAP.

But I think that those rules are changing now.
As they reach retirement age and put off their many benefits - they "frank a stamp every week" - that keeps them ok
They won't get a state pension they'll get some other handout that is equivalent. It's disgusting that we live in a society where this is even possible. If you make the required contributions then you get a state pension. If you make no contributions then you get free money and we'll call it something else but basically it's scrounged off the back of someone who contributed to society.
I agree Tora. Far be it for me to praise this current Tory government but they do seem to be sorting out the benefit culture at last.
they are doing a great job mikey plenty of overtime for the undertakers
It seems to be a blatant manipulation of stats to me. and to attribute a severe heart attack to a medical assessment seems to be stretching a point.

bottom line is; there are bucket loads of scroungers hiding amongst the genuine cases. They have to be weeded out so the genuine cases can be recognized and helped.
Dr filth. Many thanks for the video of the Little Brittain sketch. Priceless
But are they weeding out the idlers in this crazy system? Anyone who has been subject to this abysmal test that takes very little notice of your replies and responses would understand how it could push you to the depths of despair.
youngmafbog > It seems to be a blatant manipulation of stats to me. and to attribute a severe heart attack to a medical assessment seems to be stretching a point.

They have to be weeded out so the genuine cases can be recognized and helped. <
OK, that is clearly an error that should be investigated. Are you seriously trying to tell me there are 32 errors a week that cause people to die? I am sure if there were the DM (and others) would, rightly, be up in arms.

You clearly think we should continue to pay the workshy disability benefit when they are not disabled? Why? Are you one of them?

youngmafbog i have had first hand experience with atos have you or is it just what you have read in the papers
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They are better off not working, QED benefits are too generous. As you say, not difficult.
Its not often that I find myself in complete agreement with youngmafbog, but I am with him all the way on this.

Of course we need to take into account the real casualties in the process of weeding out the feckless, lazy and workshy. The fitness-to-work program seems to far from fault-less, but it shouldn't be an excuse for allowing these people to continue to scrounge off the State. That is what has happened before when any effort is made to deal with our benefit culture. But things are now changing at last.

The State means me and everybody else that is working and paying their taxes. I only have to look out of the window in the council estate where I live, to see people that have never worked, all of them with kids, kids that I am paying for. I have lived here 34 years and there are now the children of the people I first encountered, unemployed and idle, just like their parents before them. They are little better than baby factories.

No wonder we have Eastern Europeans over here in such numbers, doing the jobs that our own home-grown unemployed can't or won't do.
mikey > They are little better than baby factories. <

i thought they only get benefit for the first two, the reason i ask is a person who i know only gets it for his first two ( he works and claims no benefit )

should he be getting money for the third child all are under 16 years old
DrFilth...You get Child Benefit for every child you have, no matter how many. The more children you have, the more benefits you get.

1st child £20.30
2nd and subsequent £13.40

So having 4 children would give you £60.50 every week, tax free. That is the equivalent of nearly £4000 gross pa.
Steady mikey, ponting out the facts there, dangerous!
Tora...I like dealing in facts, as it helps in understanding topics. All I have done is to do a bit of research on the 'net and posted the results. DrFilth could easily have done this without my help. The internet has changed everything...we can all be experts these days !

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